7 tips to calm anxiety after a breakup – Online Psychologists

It is very common that after a relationship breaks up, symptoms of anxiety due to the separation appear.

Relationships come and go, and separating from someone, for whatever reason, hurts in unimaginable ways. This pain can turn into anxiety.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety can be defined as a emotional disorder which appears after experiencing a traumatic event such as separation from someone you love. This disorder makes us rethink our expectations of life and can even change our routine.

Anxiety attacks are common during breakups.usually in those who suffer from them because they have developed a dependence on their partner, which makes them think that being alone will not make them able to continue with their life as they have done until now.

Therefore, it is important to know that a couple is a composition of two people who like to be together. Happiness has to be achieved by oneself, because, if not, it will mean that we are dependent on our partner and if at some point the relationship ends, this will lead to extreme anxiety that is impossible to control.

What are post-breakup anxiety attacks like?

The anxiety that occurs after a breakup is the same as that caused by anything else. These attacks have the same characteristics, that is, increased heart rate, very rapid breathing, sweaty hands and even dizziness after an argument.

These attacks are influenced by hormonal variations and even genetic predisposition (if someone in the family suffers from anxiety) and are more common in women than in men.

Breaking up can be an opportunity for personal growth and self-exploration, allowing us to reconnect with our own deepest needs and aspirations.

Why does this anxiety occur?

When We break up with our partner It seems like the world is ending and that happens because our body confirms it in the form of anxiety. This exaggerated anguish It is caused by the emptiness that remains when a couple with whom you have shared so many moments breaks up. A couple of two becomes one, you separate and company turns into loneliness.

It is common to think that our life has broken down and is never coming back, and it is normal (and healthy) to go through a period of mourning after the end of the relationship, a time full of anguish and anxiety. However, this mourning cannot last for a long time and must reach an end point, otherwise we will enter a loop with no way out.

Arguing with your partner or ending a relationship causes the brain to suffer an imbalance in the substances that surround it. For example, in the case of endorphins, when a person is in a depressed state it is because their brain has reduced the happiness hormone and, therefore, they are more likely to suffer an anxiety attack.

In addition, it must be said that these anxiety attacks They can be a symptom of depression, since, in a breakup, the affected person begins to have many negative thoughts, something that makes the grow chances of having a crisis.

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Getting over a breakup

For avoid these anxiety attacks, The first step is to be aware that having self-confidence is the most important thing. Self-confidence will lead us to have good self-esteem.

Separating from our partner and being alone does not have to lead us to a state of anxiety, something that can make us make inappropriate decisions that we later regret.

And although it may seem strange, Separation can be an opportunity for oneselfIt is a time for you, to get to know each other, to gain confidence in ourselves, to love ourselves and other things that we might have forgotten throughout the relationship. It is proven that loving oneself is what makes us able to love others well.

Hence, The end of a relationship is the beginning of a new stagean opportunity to change the faults we have and do things better. A stage to enjoy and not be focused on immense pain for something that will not come back. We must look forward and if it is with the company of friends and family, even better. We must feel confident about ourselves and what we have. Let us not let anxiety lead our lives, for this, do not hesitate to ask a psychologist for help whenever you need it. In , Talk to a psychologist online the first session is free.

Some tips you can follow

At the time of separation, everyone breaks down and negative thoughts appear. Even so, we must remember that this is a stage that everyone will go through sooner or later and that when we get over it, we will look back and laugh at ourselves.

Laura Sánchez, a specialist in dream interpretation, recommends some guidelines that can help you put an end to your anxiety:

This point is very important. The first thing is get used to the idea that this relationship is over and we will no longer have in our lives the person with whom we have shared so many moments. Even though it may be hard and difficult at first, with time you will realize all the good things that life has in store for you.

  • Cry all you need.

Crying is healthy and it helps us to vent. Get all that sadness that consumes you inside out and don't repress it. If you are a person who doesn't like to cry with others, do it alone and whenever you want to vent, you can talk to your family or friends as they will help you overcome this grief.

  • Vent with someone you trust.

Talking to a person you trust is very good, since you will be able to externalize your feelings and this will make you feel better about yourself. Plus, it never hurts to know the point of view of someone you love.

Even though it may be difficult at a time like this, positivity can be something that take us out of the immense sadness. This way, getting over the breakup will be easier.

To move forward you have to know how to forgive, and many times that anxiety is caused by feelings that we still have inside. If you want to avoid it and get over the breakup, The best thing is to talk to your ex-partner and settle everything that is not allowing you to move forward.

  • Practice relaxation techniques.

Mindfulness can be a relaxation technique to deal with anxiety. This practice helps you to direct your thoughts and control your breathing. This will allow you to relax when you see that your situation is starting to worsen.

  • Keep your self-esteem high.

As we have already mentioned before, seeking happiness and having self-confidence are the main guidelines for achieving good self-esteem and realizing that the most important person in your life has to be yourself.

“I can’t” or comparing myself to others may be things you do, but before you know it, it will turn into a positive and all your efforts will pay off.

However, if you can't seem to stop your breakup anxiety, don't feel ashamed.

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