7 reasons why matryoshkas can help in therapy – Online Psychologists

We all know what the matryoshkasthose very colorful dolls that are typical of Russia. But did you know that they can be of great help in a therapeutic process?

Although many people do not know it and find it strange, matryoshkas are a good tool in therapy. Thanks to these dolls, a psychologist can get the patient to see their problems as entities independent of themselves and thus facilitate their therapeutic process.

For some people separating the concept of I It is easy and almost natural to deal with their psychological problems, but there are others who cannot do it. In these cases, Russian dolls become a fundamental part of the therapy.

Matryoshkas and the processes of the self

Traditional Russian dolls, better known as matryoshkasare a set of figures that go from largest to smallest. That is, the largest doll A large one contains a smaller one inside it. and so on.

But what? relationship keep with the psychology?

Although it may seem strange, there are more and more psychologists who resort to the functioning of matryoshkas and the «metaphor» hidden in these dolls to help people who come to therapy.

The goal, or what psychologists are looking for, is for patients to break the connection they have established between their problems or concerns and his I inside.

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7 reasons why matryoshkas help in therapy

Matryoshkas can certainly be a useful tool in therapy. But in what ways can they help?

1. Motherhood

The most well-known symbology of the matryoshkas is that of the maternityThey represent fertility. It is a large doll from which a smaller one is born and so on.

In therapy, they are often used to exemplify mothers as health referents, as people who welcome their daughters and sons and know how to care for them.

2. Grant wishes

Another function attributed to these dolls is the ability to fulfill wishes. It may not be very rational or logical to believe this, but it can serve as a therapeutic exercise.

You can write on a piece of paper a wish or whatever you want. you want to get and insert it inside the wrist. It may seem strange, but an action as simple as this will serve as a incentive and will make you be more active when it comes to fighting for your dreams and achieving the goals you have set for yourself.

Other people what they do is introduce a objective in each one of the dolls already as they achieve them They open the next doll and so on.

3. Home and comfort

These very characteristic dolls transmit a feeling of security, home and comfort, which is why many patients They feel comfortable in therapy with them in front of me.

Matryoshkas can help the patient feel safe and even understood because he or she sees himself or herself reflected in these dolls.

4. Education and learning

But they are not only useful for adults, children They can also benefit from the effects of matryoshkas.

These dolls can help in their learning and development, and since they are a such a visual tool They will find it interesting, so it will be easy to work on in therapy.

5. Self-knowledge

Matryoshkas can be a useful tool in therapy to work with patients on their self discovery and the knowledge of one's own essence through the different dolls, which can be compared to the «layers» that we humans have.

Life is a journey of constant evolutionso knowing our interior is key to our well-being and development.

6. Heal the symptoms

When a person goes to therapy, it is likely that they have certain symptoms associated with experiences you have lived in the past and that have marked her.

The experiences we live and the memories we form are stored inside us and can be influence who we are today and our way of acting because we have not overcome them.

Thanks to matryoshkas we can understand and visualize how these experiences are stored inside us even if we are not aware of it.

7. Attachment

Matryoshkas can help us understand how we often have a nesting doll inside us. smaller doll who awaits the hug of a mother or a father, for example.

That is, the experiences we have lived in the past, for example in our childhoodcan affect our I. The attachment problems can be reflected in our adult me And thanks to matryoshkas we can understand this problem.

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