When dogs have their ears back, it usually indicates fear, longing or low self-confidence. In individual cases it can also be a sign of aggression or even an indication of inflammation or other pain.
In total, dogs have a whopping 18 muscles on their ears so that they can always align them frontally to the sound source. Humans, on the other hand, only have 6 ear muscles.
But dogs also use their ears to communicate. Depending on their position, this can say a lot about their emotions:
- Alertness & Curiosity: Ears set vertically
- Joy & enjoyment: ears folded back at an angle
- Relaxation & happiness: ears to the side and relaxed
- Fear & Insecurity: Ears pulled back [1]
In individual cases, the same ear position can mean something completely different. For this reason, below you will learn about the 7 most common causes and their symptoms.
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#1 Fear & Fear
When dogs feel threatened, you can often tell by their posture. The most common signs include:
- Restless behavior
- Dog avoids eye contact
- Sudden tremors
- Retracted tail
- Yelling, whining and barking
- Ears laid back
- Stooped posture [2]
In dogs with very long floppy ears, fear cannot be seen in their ears. Because their muscles are often too weak to fold their heavy ears back.
Young dogs and very sensitive breeds are most often affected. Typical triggers of fear are:
- loneliness
- Lack of socialization
- storm
- Violence in education
- Separating the mother too early
- Loud noises
- presence of strangers [3]
The first step here is to find out what exactly triggers the fear. Then you either have to remove the trigger or proactively get the dog used to it.
When dogs are anxious, they often fold their ears back and adopt a hunched posture. They also start shaking and whining more often when they feel threatened. Here it is important to gradually get the dog used to the threat.
#2 Desires
Children are the best sellers. Because of their sweet nature, they always manage to beg for ice cream or other things. Dogs are similarly sophisticated here.
For example, they often look very sad when people eat. This in turn is intended to arouse pity and make us share our food.
And yes, I fall for this scam almost every day. What is noticeable here is that when begging they look slightly upwards and put their ears back. [4]
Whining and whining are also common here. Incidentally, they do this not only when eating, but also to express other desires:
- Play instinct
- Urge to defecate
- Attention
- sex drive
Compared to fearful behavior, they usually have their tails neutral and not tucked in. Dogs also use their ears to flirt.
Because male dogs' ears folded back show that they are interested in the female. The female can then decide whether she wants to or not. [5]
Dogs use their ears to indicate unmet desires. In most cases, this is how they express hunger. Under certain circumstances it could also be their urge to play, their sex drive or even a pressing bladder. There is no reason to worry here.
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#3 Ear infection
Inflammation of and in the ear is one of the most common diseases in dogs. Around 10% of all visits to the vet are said to occur because of this. [6]
Water dogs and breeds with long floppy ears are most commonly affected. Because they are the easiest place for water to collect in the ear.
And moisture combined with warmth and darkness provides the ideal breeding ground for bacteria to accumulate and spread. Typical symptoms here are:
- Pain in the ear
- Dog holds head crooked
- Touch sensitivity
- Dog scratches his ear
- Constant whining and whining
- Redness and swelling
- Frequent shaking of the head [7]
Dogs instinctively look for the ear position that causes the least pain. This can be expressed by him laying one or both ears back.
In around 50% of cases, bacteria are the trigger. Fungi, viruses, parasites, allergies or autoimmune diseases can also be behind an ear infection. [8]
If you suspect this, I recommend visiting the vet. With the help of professional cleaning and anti-inflammatory medication, the infection should subside relatively quickly.
In rare cases, there may be inflammation behind the ears that are laid back. What is noticeable here is that the dog is very sensitive to touch, constantly scratches its ear, frequently shakes its head and the ear is red or swollen.
#4 Satisfaction
If your dog folds his ears back while being petted, this is usually a sign of happiness and contentment.
You can tell if your four-legged friend's body is completely relaxed and his eyes are partially closed. Other symptoms include:
- Relaxed rod
- Friendly look
- Dog leans against you
- Lie on your back [9]
Some territorial breeds, such as Rottweilers, also start to hum when petted. Similar to how cats often purr when they have physical contact.
Incidentally, dogs often copy this behavior from cats. Because when they see a cat getting attention by purring, they imitate it.
Happy dogs often express their emotions physically. For example, a relaxed body and ears tilted back can be a sign of happiness when being stroked. In addition, they usually look friendly and even make noises.
#5 Aggressiveness
When dogs become aggressive, it can be clearly seen in their posture. You completely stiffen and have a fixed stare. Other signs include:
- Baring your teeth
- Deep barking
- Upturned hair
- Stiff rod
- Dilated pupils
- Growl
- Slightly bent legs [10]
When growling, their ears are usually in a neutral position. However, when they are about to attack, dogs put their ears back.
It is a protective mechanism to protect the ears during the upcoming fight. This is particularly common with the following fighting dogs:
- American Pit Bull Terrier
- bullmastiff
- Bull Terrier
- Doberman
- Dogo Argentino
- Mastiff
- rottweiler
- Tosa Inu [11]
You should immediately distance yourself from this if it is a strange dog. If it is your own four-legged friend, then I recommend seeking professional help.
Alternatively, I can also recommend Johanna Esser’s online dog school. In her course she has several modules to deal with aggressive behavior.
When dogs become aggressive, they often put their ears back. This protective mechanism is intended to reduce injuries to the ear in the eventual fight. In such a reaction, the aggression also manifests itself very clearly physically.
#6 Low self-confidence
Shy dogs and four-legged friends with low self-confidence can usually be recognized by the fact that they always behave submissively. Typical signs here are:
- Constant panting
- Dog is hiding
- Ears laid back
- Constant beeping
- Retracted tail
- Avoiding eye contact
- Stooped posture
Among other things, dogs use this to communicate to other dogs that they are not a threat. So the ears here are silent: “I don’t want any trouble.” [12]
In some cases, this behavior is also intended to consciously generate compassion because the dog has done something and is aware of it. Classic examples of this are:
- Garbage thrown over
- Shoes gnawed
- Peed in the house
- Flower vase overturned
- Pieces of furniture gnawed
By the way, dogs inherited this behavior from their ancestors – the wolves. Because anyone who doesn't fit into the hierarchy is often attacked by the pack.
Dogs with low self-confidence are more likely to lay their ears flat back. Among other things, this gesture also serves as an excuse for wrongdoing. You can tell if the dog avoids eye contact, tucks in his tail or even hides.
#7 Pain
Dogs often suffer in silence without making a single sound. This is an instinctive protective mechanism from their ancestors.
Wolves simply cannot afford to appear weakened in the wild. Otherwise they become prey for other predators.
However, when pain reaches a certain level, it can be seen on the body. Typical signs here are:
- Unusual listlessness
- Restless walking around
- Dog sleeps a lot
- Ears laid flat back
- Loss of appetite
- Nocturnal activity
- Tail between legs [13]
In principle, a variety of illnesses and injuries can be responsible for this. For this reason, I recommend consulting a veterinarian if you suspect something.
Almost all diseases can be diagnosed with the help of blood, urine, X-ray and visual examinations. Your own Google searches often only scare you.
When dogs are in pain, they almost always show it physically and rarely make any noise. Among other things, it can be recognized by the fact that dogs tuck in their tails, appear listless, put their ears back or walk around restlessly.
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