7 ideal orange plants to decorate your home

Discover the best plants and orange flowers to decorate your home.

Namthip Muanthongthae / Getty images

Symbol of energy and optimism, orange color radiates optimism and vitality to the home. Therefore, the plants of this hue are Ideal to decorate Any space.

In addition to providing a vibrant touch, orange plants usually make a Good contrast in spaces with white, blue and yellow tones.

Discover 7 ideal orange plants to decorate your home!


Darrell Gulin / Getty Images


Orchids are indoor plants more elegant, So those with orange tone are ideal for decorating the hall or dining room.


Timothy Hearsum / Getty Images


Orange Guzmania is a flower that irradia energy, So add a lot of luminosity to the home. It is recommended to place in a yellow or white vase or pot, to give it a good contrast.