7 horrible things that can happen to your nails

If you think that nails, because they are dead tissue, can withstand everything, you are very wrong. Take note of these horrible things that can happen to them due to carelessness…

Nails are for many of us something very important, that’s why some even cry when they drop one of them, but do you know what is the worst that can happen to them? We share 7 horrible conditions that we found on the portal bustle.

1. Onycholysis

The nail detaches from the finger and can even expose raw flesh. It is caused by accidents, chemicals or some diseases.

2. Median nail dystrophy

A hollowed vertical channel appears in the nail that can be caused by deep abuse of the cuticle, which damages its growth system… Brrrrrrrr!

3. Onychomycosis

They are the hated, horrible and disgusting fungi almost impossible to get out of the nails, wow!

4. Paronychia

It is what we commonly call “fingernail” and it is an infection of the skin around the nail, caused by the bad habit of biting the nails and ripping the skin.

5. Koilonychia

Also called «spoon nails» is a disorder that makes them too thin and flat or even concave. Horrible!

6. Discolored nails

The nails, when they exceed the finger, must be white, if they are yellow or of another color it can be a symptom of poor blood circulation or heart problems, among other diseases.

7. Nails peeled

Nails are made of layers, one on top of the other, and these can flake off, breaking. It happens by leaving the nails under water for a long time or by filing them in all directions.

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