7 home remedies that really help

Warts can also affect dogs. It is not always necessary to go to the vet.

Sometimes a few home remedies can help if the dog has warts.

In the following guide we will tell you 7 home remedies that help with dog warts. We also explain how to use them correctly.

How do warts develop in dogs?

Warts are mainly caused by papillomaviruses. They contribute to the formation of a benign skin growth on the body or mucous membranes.

Types 2, 3 and 4 of the canine papillomavirus are differentiated in dogs.

A dog can become infected with papillomavirus through a microscopic wound.

The risk of infection is correspondingly high. Therefore, you should make the warts in the dog disappear as soon as possible.

Otherwise, all dogs can be affected quickly, especially in a multi-dog household. If a dog is infected, the warts or papillomas appear after 4 to 8 weeks.

Warts in dogs: 7 home remedies that help

Home remedies that help treat warts in dogs are apple cider vinegar and citric acid, castor oil and banana peels.

Propolis can also be a home remedy for warts in dogs.

We will now explain exactly how the funds work and are used.


Home remedies do not replace a visit to the vet in an emergency. If they do not help, then your dog must be treated with appropriate medication.

Apple Cider Vinegar & Citric Acid

A mixture of apple cider vinegar and citric acid is said to be a home remedy if the dog has warts.

You can apply the tincture to a cotton ball. You put it on the wart and wrap both with a bandage.

Vinegar and acid should then dry out the wart in a short time. She then disappears on her own.

Thuja tincture

Thuja tincture has been considered a miracle cure for warts for many years. The oil is obtained from the Thuja tree.

As a home remedy for warts in dogs, it may only be used very diluted. Because it is considered a trigger for hallucinations and allergies.

The thuja tincture is applied externally to the dog twice a day. A bandage should be applied so that he does not lick the tincture.

Of course, this only applies to warts on the body, not to warts on the oral mucosa.

castor oil

Castor oil is also a home remedy for warts in dogs. It is used externally, so you apply it to the wart.

After a week it should be gone. Never give your dog castor oil orally. Not only does it have a laxative effect, it is also very toxic to dogs.


Propolis or bee resin has an antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral effect. It is a natural home remedy that can help treat warts in dogs.

Like apple cider vinegar, thuja tincture, and castor oil, propolis is applied to the wart. It should be gone after a few days.

The wart pathogens can also be rendered harmless with propolis.

banana peels

Banana peels as a home remedy if the dog has warts? Yes, that should actually work.

Because the banana peel contains certain enzymes that can soften a wart. For this to work, you place the peel on the wart.

You can do that overnight. Of course, you should not forget the bandage so that your dog does not eat the bowl.

The effect of the banana peel usually only occurs after a few weeks.

salicylic acid

You may be familiar with salicylic acid as the active ingredient in aspirin. It is also found in ointments and tinctures. So it can be a home remedy for warts in dogs.

The ointment or tincture is applied to the wart for a few days. This causes the wart to freeze and then fall off.

Like castor oil, salicylic acid should only be used externally. If the warts are in your mouth, you should use another home remedy.

Home remedies don’t help: what else can I do if my dog ​​has warts?

One possibility is the wart in the dog to be surgically removed. This is done under anesthesia.

In addition, there is the possibility of an autovaccine. A vaccine is made from the removed warts.

It is injected into the dog over several weeks. The dog then forms antibodies that prevent further virus infection.

Good to know

A car vaccine is very expensive. Up to 200 euros can be charged per vaccination. It only makes sense if the dog is repeatedly plagued by warts.

When should I go to the vet?

If the warts do not go away, but on the contrary increase, then you should go to the vet.

Especially in the mouth and on the paws, warts can make life very difficult for the dog.

A quick treatment or removal of the warts is therefore important.

The surgical intervention is considered safe. There are three ways to remove dog warts:

  • With the scalpel
  • With cryosurgery
  • With electrosurgery

In cryosurgery, the warts are destroyed with low temperatures. Alternating current is used in electrosurgery. It also destroys the wart tissue.

Has your dog ever had warts? what helped We would be happy if you share more home remedies and tips with us in the comments.