Stomach rumbling in dogs can happen more often than the dog or we would like.
It’s enough if he ate too quickly or drank cold water. A parasite can also cause abdominal pain in dogs.
In the following guide, we will tell you which home remedies will help if abdominal pain in your dog.
Stomach pain in dogs – 7 home remedies that help
Home remedies that can help your dog’s stomach ache include oatmeal, psyllium husk, and carrot soup.
You can also try to relieve your dog’s stomach ache with various herbal teas.
Teas made from chamomile, sage and fennel, for example, are suitable here. You can put a hot water bottle on your furry friend’s stomach to help relieve cramps.
In addition, healing earth and elm bark are good home remedies for stomach pain in dogs.
We will now explain exactly what you have to consider with these and other home remedies and how you can administer them.
Please note that these home remedies do not replace a visit to the veterinarian or the medication administered by them in an emergency!
herbal teas
Herbal teas are often the first port of call for us humans when it comes to an upset stomach.
Chamomile, fennel and sage tea have proven particularly effective here. What these herbs have in common is that they have a calming, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect.
So that they also help your dog, you can simply brew a tea with hot water and give it to your dog to drink after it has cooled down.
Oatmeal or porridge is no longer only to be found on the breakfast table for us humans.
Dogs are also increasingly enjoying the beneficial effects of oatmeal. Because this grain forms a mucous film that protects the stomach wall.
Would you like to do your dog even more good with the oatmeal? Then you can mix in apples, among other things, which also calm the stomach.
We recommend that you use tender oat flakes for the porridge and let them soak in water for an hour.
This allows them to be processed into a particularly creamy porridge, which of course should only end up in your dog’s food bowl when it has cooled down.
carrot soup
Carrot soup is another home remedy you can use to help your dog suffering from stomach pain.
A popular recipe here is the so-called Moro’sche carrot soup. Cooking releases enzymes in carrots that help with stomach pain.
Depending on how long you want to give your dog this soup, you can boil 1 kilogram of carrots with 1 liter of water and 1 teaspoon of salt.
Then you puree the mass, fill up with a little more water, let the soup cool down and then serve it to your furry friend.
You can also mix this with rice, which is also one of the home remedies that are supposed to help against stomach pain in dogs.
Good to know
If you like, you can enrich the soup with some cooked chicken. Because this poultry also has a positive effect on your dog’s stomach ache.
psyllium husks
Flea seed husks are a natural source of fiber.
If your dog suffers from an upset stomach, psyllium husks can be another home remedy for dog stomach pain.
It is important that you also provide your dog with enough water.
Because if the psyllium husks cannot swell properly, more abdominal pain is the result.
healing clay
Healing earth is nothing more than ground clay rich in trace elements and minerals.
One of its properties is that it can bind toxins in the dog’s stomach, thus relieving the dog’s abdominal pain.
elm bark
For centuries, the ground elm bark has been a tried and tested home remedy that is used for stomach pain and digestive problems.
Boil the elm bark with water so that it can also help your dog. You can then serve the resulting jelly to your dog.
hot water bottle
A hot water bottle is perfect for helping your dog’s stomach from the outside. The heat relieves any abdominal cramps.
In addition, these cramps cannot spread to the intestines, which would also lead to flatulence in addition to the abdominal pain.
Home remedies don’t help – what else can help if my dog has a stomach ache?
If all of these home remedies haven’t helped your dog’s stomach ache, you can find other remedies in your pharmacy that can relieve the pain.
Here you can reach for Traumeel, among other thingswhich is strictly speaking a homeopathic remedy made up of different herbs.
Arnica D6 globules can also relieve your dog’s abdominal pain.
In addition, there is a remedy from human medicine that may be found in your personal medicine chest anyway: Buscopan.
If, on the other hand, you have to use painkillers, such as Metacam or Novalgin, please discuss the exact dosage and duration of use with your veterinarian in advance.
When should I go to the vet?
You should go to the vet if the Stomach pain hasn’t gone away or at least subsided after a day are.
Because it makes sense to find out the exact cause of the stomach upset in this case.
Finally, it is also possible that your furry friend suffers from gastritis, i.e. inflammation of the stomach lining.
Although a home remedy can provide relief here, there is often no way around medication such as antibiotics.
It’s also important to monitor your dog for other symptoms that may require a quicker trip to the vet.
With the help of the following checklist you can recognize and name these symptoms:
- your dog seems exhausted and has lost his appetite
- your dog won’t let you touch his stomach
- your dog shows a reduced need for drinking
- your dog is vomiting and has diarrhea
- your dog seems restless and stressed
- your dog seems to be having convulsions
- your dog stretches very often
- your dog retreats
In addition to the above-mentioned inflammation of the gastric mucosa, a gastrointestinal infection, gardia, an intestinal obstruction or a torsion in the stomach can also be the cause.
Especially the last two causes can be life-threatening for the dog, which is why quick action must be taken.
Home remedies for stomach pain in dogs include teas made from chamomile, fennel and sage, oatmeal, carrot soup, psyllium husks, as well as healing earth and elm bark.
The hot-water bottle also has a supporting effect, as it can relieve stomach cramps and flatulence.
If the home remedies mentioned do not help against stomach pain in dogs, they are homeopathic remedies Arnica D6 and Traumeel are a good alternative.
The medical product Buscopan can also relieve your dog’s abdominal pain.
It may make sense to drive to the vet if the symptoms have not subsided within 48 hours.
Has your dog ever had a stomach ache? What helped him here? We look forward to hearing about your experiences and tips in our comments!