Sleep is not only important for us humans natural need, but also for dogs. While an average of 8 hours of sleep a day is enough for us, dogs, on the other hand, need much more sleep.
An adult dog sleeps between 13 and 20 hours a day. Puppies and older animals, on the other hand, need between 20 and 22 hours of sleep. But what is the most comfortable way to sleep?
Let’s take a look at the most popular sleeping positions for dogs and what they say about them.
1. Side sleepers
The side sleeper dog is lying on the website and has his legs either stretched out or slightly bent.
This position indicates that the dog feels very comfortable and relaxed in its environment.
If the dog’s stomach is visible, it shows that he is feels safe. The open stomach basically makes him vulnerable. The attitude shows trust.
While some dogs about longer time sleep in this position, other dogs only choose this position for a short nap.
2. Donut
In this sleeping position, the dog curls up like a small donut. The position is also called Fox designated.
The paws and the tail lie completely close to the body. The belly is covered.
Many dogs choose this position when they are doing something unsure feel. They assume a kind of protective attitude.
But that doesn’t always have to be the case. The donut position is particularly popular in winter, as it warmth offers.
3. Stomach sleepers
In the stomach sleeper position, the dog lies on its stomach. The paws are in the close to the body. This position is usually chosen when the dog is only taking a little nap.
Through the posture are the muscles not entirely relaxedwhich is why deep sleep is rather difficult.
The advantage of the stomach sleeper is that the dogs can get up again quickly.
4. Back sleepers
Back sleepers are particularly popular with dogs. As a viewer, this sleeping position is very funny to look at. Here lies the dog on the back. The paws fall relaxed to the side.
This position says a lot Security and trust. The dogs completely expose their stomachs and are therefore unprotected.
If your dog enjoys choosing this position, it means he cares about you a lot feels good.
fun fact:
Just like us humans, dogs have their favorite sleeping position. The sleeping position reveals a lot about the character and well-being of the dog. Therefore, the sleeping position can always vary – depending on how your dog is feeling.
5. Superman
The Superman sleeping position is similar to the stomach sleeping position. The difference, however, is that the legs are forward and backward respectively stretched out are.
Due to the position, the dog is able to act quickly and is back on its feet very quickly if necessary. In general, the position only to relax and not used for deep sleep at night.
Particularly puppies like to adopt the Superman pose to catch their breath.
6. Nestler
Some dogs are only really comfortable when they are beautiful cuddled up have. In order for the dog to be able to assume this position correctly, it needs a dog bed with pillows and blankets.
He then builds himself into his basket from the pillows and blankets little nestin which to snuggle up. It can take a little while to find the perfect position.
At the same time, this nest offers a certain Protection. Researchers assume that this is a natural instinct, as wolves also dig a small hollow to sleep in.
7. Yoga Dog
A particularly fun position is the so-called yoga dog. In this pose, the dog lies on its back. But instead of letting his paws fall to the side in a relaxed manner, he stretches them in the air.
The yoga dog doesn’t have to put all its paws in the air. Some dogs only stretch one leg. Particularly in summer this position is very popular. Due to the large surface, the dog can cool down well.