You’ve heard your dog pant at night and now you’re wondering if this is normal.
Maybe your dog didn’t get any rest at all during the night due to a very strong panting.
I’ll tell you why your dog is breathing fast and what you can do now.
Is it a concern if my dog pants at night?
Panting in dogs is usually quite normal. This allows your dog to regulate its body temperature.
We humans sweat when we get too hot. This allows the body to cool down through evaporation.
Your dog can only sweat on his paws. However, he cannot cool his whole body with it.
So if your dog pants occasionally, it’s completely normal.
The situation is different if your dog pants long and hard while at rest. Then you should get to the bottom of the cause.
Why is my dog panting at night: 7 causes & symptoms
Your dog is too warm
Especially in summer it can happen that it is too warm at night.
Your dog will then try to cool down his body by panting. Some dogs also drink a lot when they are too warm.
The same can also apply in winter when the heating is turned on at night.
Wrong food or wrong time
If your dog gets particularly greasy food or raw meat, digestion can keep him busy at night.
Does your fur nose get this Feed just before bedtimethis can also make him pant at night.
Because when your dog digests, the body temperature increases. Heartburn can also cause restlessness.
This can make it seem like your dog is panting for no reason.
Your dog is stressed or scared
If your dog is in a strange environment, this can mean stress for him. This is often expressed by a high heart rate. You might even hear his heart beating.
The absence of a caregiver can also be stressful for your dog and cause rapid breathing.
Loud noises, such as a thunderstorm or fireworks, can also cause stress and anxiety in your dog.
Your dog is sick or in pain
Does your dog breathe fast in his sleep, even though everything seemed normal before? Maybe he’s sick and gets a fever or he’s in pain.
In some cases, the aches and pains only come at night when your dog’s body is resting.
Your dog can do this through an active daily routine distracted from symptoms of illness and pain become.
Your dog may have joint problems that he will notice when his body relaxes in the evening.
But also Heart problems or a disease of the lungs can be the cause.
Your bitch is in heat
Especially before and during the first heat, young bitches can become restless and pant heavily.
You can usually recognize the heat, also called heat, quite early on from a swollen vagina.
Even if you have an unneutered male dog, he may react to a nearby female dog in heat with restlessness and heavy panting.
Mach a bitch shows a changed behavior three to four weeks before heat. The heat then lasts another 21 days.
You went jogging in the evening
Exercising late at night, such as jogging, can keep your dog’s body temperature high for a long time.
Anyone who does a lot of sport knows the so-called sweating. The body tries to lower the temperature again long after sport.
Since your dog cannot lower its temperature by sweating, it will continue to pant long after you have exercised.
How much panting is normal?
When at rest, a dog typically breathes about 40 times per minute. Strong panting can express itself in up to 400 breaths per minute.
Panting and volume can also differ from breed to breed.
Dogs with a short nose have to pant more often to cool down.
Large dogs also need to cool down a larger body, which can also encourage heavy panting.
It is therefore very individual how much your dog should pant.
However, do you observe that your dog panting heavily and for no apparent reason, especially at night, you should be alert and consult the veterinarian if necessary.
What to do if my dog pants at night?
If your dog is too warm, you can offer him a place to sleep in a cooler place. A cooling pad can also help if a dog is panting because of the intense heat.
You should do sporting activities with your dog earlier in the day. In the evening it should be a little quieter so that the body can adjust to the night and recover.
If your dog has problems after a late feeding time, you can try an earlier time.
Does your dog react to thunderstorm or fireworks, offer him a quiet, darkened place. It’s best not to leave him alone there either. Keep calm yourself.
Many a dog lets itself be in a stressful situation distract with games. So he doesn’t really notice the fireworks on New Year’s Eve.
But not every dog is enthusiastic about games in such a situation.
If your dog suddenly pants particularly hard at night and you can’t see any reason for it, you should take him to the vet. The vet can find out if your dog is in pain or if the panting is caused by an illness.
When should I go to the vet?
If you observe your dog closely, you can certainly quickly determine whether there is a harmless reason behind his panting or the cause is more serious.
If there is no apparent reason your dog is panting, you should see the vet.
Especially if your dog also shows a different behavior during the day or seems sluggish and listless.
This way you can quickly find out whether your dog is in pain or has an illness.
Does your dog pant at night to keep yourself and you awake? Then you should find out why.
Because dogs have a strong need for sleep. Recovery phases are important for dogs and humans, because otherwise weakened immune system become.
Sometimes the cause of a dog’s heavy panting is found very quickly and easily solved. Then restful nights for two and four-legged friends are no longer in the way.
However, do you suspect a serious problem and if you have already ruled out other causes, you should take your fur nose to the vet.
Because you’d rather have him checked over once too often than overlook a serious illness.
Have you ever heard your dog panting heavily at night? What was the cause and how did you deal with it? Tell me in the comments.