7 books about finding happiness to give as a gift this Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner and millions of people are embarking on the difficult task of finding suitable gifts. If you are a lover of reading and psychology, you surely want to understand your mind or acquire techniques to be able to take care of your mental health. To achieve this, We recommend 7 books about happiness so that you or the person you are thinking of can enjoy reading and learning.

Happiness is something that everyone wants to obtain.above all things. But is there a way to find happiness? Is there an answer to that question? It all depends on what we mean by happiness and what really makes us happy.

The happiness According to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) It is defined as a «state of pleasant spiritual and physical satisfaction», this makes the happiness depends on your values ​​and prioritiesof the things that bring you positive things, that fulfill you and make you happy. Each person is different and, therefore, finds happiness in small things like the warmth of home, family, a dinner with friends, a walk in the countryside or the streets of your city. Or, on the other hand, there are those who find it in buying the car of their dreams, in traveling or in achieving their personal goals.

People live looking for happiness as if it were something material that they can take. However, we are not aware that it is up to us to find it. Happiness lies in learning to cultivate positive psychology, in knowing how to recognize and manage our emotions in order to be able to resolve situations that may make us nervous or seem uncomfortable in the best way possible. Happiness lies in our mental health and our ability to maintain it.

1. Stumbling upon happiness – Daniel Gilbert

Stumbling on Happiness – Daniel Gilbert

Daniel Gilbert is Professor of Psychology at Harvard University and the author of the book Stumbling upon happiness. A book that is based on scientific research and addresses how we find happiness and where we find it. Sealed with Gilbert's humorous tone, it is a critically acclaimed book, translated into more than 20 languages ​​and has even received the Royal Society Prize for Science Books.

2. How to make good things happen to you – Marian Rojas Estapé

How to make good things happen to you – Marian Rojas Estapé

How to make good things happen to you It is a book that offers advice and teaches you to seek and find happiness through your abilities (managing emotions, emotional intelligence, setting goals, etc.).

Marian Rojas I was stuck is Psychiatrist, graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Navarra, currently works at the Spanish Institute of Psychiatric Research. In addition to being the author of this book, her other work is Find your vitamin person A book also about psychology that tries to understand our connections with people in order to understand ourselves. Both books are great successes on the world scene, translated into several languages.

3. The Happiness Trap – Russ Harris

The Happiness Trap – Russ Harris

The doctor Russ Harris, doctorgathers in this book the keys to happiness through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), of which he is an expert. The trap of happiness It focuses on dismantling society's idea of ​​seeking happiness and pretending that we are really happy when we are not. In the book's own synopsis it talks about how to «escape from the happiness trap» with the techniques provided by this new therapy.

A vision that can connect a lot with the public as it talks about how one can feel in their daily life (overwhelmed, stressed, grumpy) and despite this be subject to the idea of ​​having to be happy despite them and seek true happiness.

4. True happiness – Martin E.P. Seligman

Authentic happiness – Martin E.P. Seligman

True happiness It is about how to enhance the most positive aspects of oneself to be happier. In this way, Seligman continues to talk about the Positive psychology showing that our capabilities are key to achieving happiness and enhancing them will make achieving it increasingly more likely.

Martin E.P. Seligman it's a renowned professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania which studies various fields related to psychology such as depression, optimism and positive psychology. Following the publication of this book, Seligman has recently published another book on the same subject, positive psychology and happiness: Life that bloomsa manual on how to achieve happiness.

5. The art of not making life miserable – Rafael Santandreu

The art of not making life bitter – Rafael Santandreu

Rafael Santandreu, psychologist, He is currently one of the most famous authors of psychology books at a national level. He combines this with the training of doctors and psychologists, as well as his participation in the magazine Mente Sana.

In this book, Santandreu collects anecdotes from both his own and others' sources, explaining how we can become stronger and happier people. The art of not making life miserable It is a plea in favour of therapy, of going to the psychologist, a means by which you will be helped in managing your emotions and through which you will be able to see life in a different way, more joyful and optimistic. A way to enjoy life more, as he himself says in his own synopsis: “Life is for enjoying…”.

If you are a person more inclined to literature, we are going to recommend two Novels that deal with finding happinessnot two manuals, but stories that through their characters and narration delve into the protagonist's search for happiness, making the reader reflect.

6. Moments of unnoticed happiness – Francesco Piccolo

Moments of unnoticed happiness – Francesco Piccolo

Francesco Piccoloa writer, brings us a novel where he teaches us to value the small things in life that give us happiness. In a society and a reality where we strive to find happiness in great things, achievements or even impossible things, he teaches us to reflect and think that sometimes we are aware of the moments of that «unnoticed happiness.»

7. The monk who sold his Ferrari – Robin Sharma

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari – Robin Sharma

This novel tells the story of Julian Mantle, a lawyer who decides to completely change his life after suffering a heart attack. This event made Mantle rethink his own life and decide to go on a trip to India, where he will learn lessons about life, happiness and balance.

The monk who sold his Ferrari Through its protagonist, it teaches us to value each person's life, giving importance to personal values ​​and that listening to and taking care of ourselves is not only important but also part of the puzzle that must be put together to achieve our happiness.

Its author, Robin Sharmanis a writer, entrepreneur and expert in leadership and personal growth, who obtained the best seller with this book, which has been a worldwide success and has been translated into more than 20 languages.

These are some of the books you can find on positive psychology that can help you have a more optimistic view of life, reflect on life, happiness and advise you on certain steps you should take into account to find your happiness. Christmas Don't miss out on giving him or herself a gift of a reading that can help you learn more about yourself, your mind, and that can help you be a little happier.

There are many books written on this subject, both through stories told by authors in their novels, and books written by psychology experts that will be of great help as a guide and manual for your life.

In Psychia We also wanted to contribute our grain of sand for all those readers who need it. Judit Izquierdo and Marta Foix are the authors of Who said anxiety? a book that talks about anxiety, what it is, its causes, symptoms and how we can try to manage it in a way that can help us and improve our quality of life.

This book is not about how to seek or find happiness, but can we ever find it if we ourselves are not physically and emotionally well? Valuing and taking care of yourself is a task that each person must prioritize and give themselves the importance they deserve. If you are and feel well, it will also affect your environment and your way of seeing life.

Also, remember that it is always good to read and rely on books on psychology. But The best way to take care of your mental health is by talking and working with a psychology expert.. The therapy It will help you to express yourself and recognize what fears, insecurities, emotions or thoughts you have and want to heal, change or work on them. Emotion management, self-love or self-esteem are gaps in the things that the psychologist and you can work in the therapy sessions.

In Psychia We have a great team of psychologists who can help you. We have 10 years of experience and more than 1,600 people have already contacted us. Call and make an appointment for an online therapy session. The first information session is free.