7 Beautiful Medium-Large Dog Breeds (With Pictures & Info)

Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder and not every dog ​​lover has to please every dog ​​breed. But there is tendencieswhich absolutely worth mentioning are.

dogs with rather long and silky fur find each other at the top of the beauty rankings. But these also mean some maintenance.

Very popularnot only with little princesses, are also dog breeds with rather curly or wavy hair.

We took a closer look at some of the beautiful medium-sized dog breeds:

1.American Cocker Spaniel

In his homeland he is one of them most popular medium-sized dog breeds and finds itself regularly at beauty pageants for dogs again.

Be outstanding beauty feature it’s his long, silky furwhich one above all artfully styled for glamorous appearances becomes.

As a beautiful medium-sized dog breed, he also brings a large portion of friendliness and attachment with him. Beauty comes from within!

As family dog he shows all his great qualities like Open-mindedness, cleverness, cheerfulness and vigilance.

2. Barbet

The good-natured but adventurous Barbet has longerand according to their owners too fluffier, curls than the classic poodle.

Despite his long fur he is not afraid varied activities in the great outdoors. On the contrary, he lives with his family enterprising Four-legged friends really up there.

Physical and mental occupation he also needed to be balanced nature to be able to show. If he’s not challenged enough, he’ll get restless and throw your upbringing to the wind.

3. Bob tail

The bobtail will too Old English Sheepdog called and thus gives a hint as to what he is for originally bred and used became.

This is important to know because herding dogseven if they are like that fluffy, cuddly again longhaired Bobtail own her proud self-confidence and don’t be afraid to show it.

active familieswho love to be in the outdoors to diverse sporting activities to stop, become hardly a better companion than this beautiful medium-sized dog breed can find.

He is because of his intelligence open-minded and likes to try too new sports out of. So if you can’t head out into the wild with him right now, dog sports and agility courses are definitely worth a try.

be through long, wavy fur is his maintenance effort correspondingly high. You should build regular rituals into his daily schedule from an early age as part of his upbringing.

4. German Spitz

A curling rod, a pointed face and wonderfully soft and fluffy fur are the special ones Trademark of the German Spitz.

With that we have too a local representative among the beautiful medium-sized dog breedswho are worldwide again increasing popularity delight. Only the Großspitz is really rare.

As former farm dog was his way to the outspoken family member not a particularly long one, because he has always guarded the big and small.

Watch out for his high urge to move and its sometimes exuberant temper. let no boredom arisethen you will quickly become best friends.

5. Elo

This fascinating, beautiful medium-sized dog breed is a all-round talent. He fits in families seamlessly and can too well kept by beginners become!

His essence is good-natured, balancedbut what no way as quiet dog may be translated. He needs and seeks his regular exercise and is also fond of intelligence games!

The long fur with pointed, erect ears give him a little too resemblance to a fox. In fact, they find themselves many breeds in his pedigreeto one easy to lead family dog to breed!

6. German Spaniel

He is among the beautiful medium-sized dog breeds, the typical German search dog with versatile talents.

Its origin goes back to British pointers and was formed in the first half of the 19th century into today’s family-friendly companion.

be there yourself hunting instinct can hardly be suppressed is one comprehensive and consistent education necessary for him to his qualities can be used profitably.

Last but not least, this includes recall. Even today it is mainly used in hunter families valued as a member and goes through the Hunting dog training.

7.Golden Retrievers

Of course it can no enumeration of the beautiful medium-sized dog breeds give which not with the Golden retriever begins or, as in our case, ends.

The popular family dog is too for beginners in dog ownership suitableas far as this with his urge to move conform and him support and promote.

As darling of the children he puts his intelligence proving when it comes to the funniest tricks and tricks to be taught by the dear little ones.

He manages to divide his love and affection well among the whole family and fits seamlessly into the active community, even when it comes to swimming!