6 tips to overcome the fear of rejection – Online Psychologists

Feeling rejected is one of the worst feelings a person can experience, but we've all been there at some point. That's why Many people experience fear of rejection and they try to avoid it by all possible means.

We are afraid of feeling judged, of failure, and above all, we fear not being accepted, so we focus on please others leaving our own desires in the background.

Avoiding rejection has a high cost since can limit us and prevent us from reaching our own goalsIt is important to note that, although it is normal (to a certain extent) to be afraid of rejection, this fear can be deeply debilitating. For example, there are people who stop themselves from pursuing their dreams for fear of what others will say, or who miss the opportunity to start a relationship with someone they like for fear of being made a fool of.

On many occasions your imagination will create terrifying scenarios that would rarely happen in real life. You should not become your worst enemynor can you allow yourself to become the supporting character in your own life through shyness.

The most common symptoms of fear of rejection

Fear of rejection manifests itself through a persistent fear that others will others do not accept Our wishes and that we lose their approval because of it.

These types of thoughts are very recurrent in people who are afraid of rejection and reach determine their decisions since they do not think about what they need but rather focus on fulfilling the wishes of others to obtain their approval.

Those people who experience fear of rejection usually act on the basis of what others may prefercompletely ignoring their own desires. However, there are some other signs that can alert you that you suffer from fear of rejection:

  • Difficulty to say no.
  • Tendency to take on too many tasks.
  • Refuse to ask for what they want or need.
  • Sometimes they tend to procrastinate or work inefficiently.
  • They are too much sensitive to criticism.
  • Have difficulties for make new friends unless they are sure that they like or sympathize with them.
  • They have certain reluctance to commit and make a relationship work.
  • It may be that work too much to please others.
  • HE blame themselves when the things don't work.
  • They hide their true self because They fear not being accepted.

Furthermore, although it may seem contradictory, in some cases people with fear of rejection They avoid social relationships. Why does this happen? They prefer not to expose themselves to avoid the risk of being rejected, but it is counterproductive because they end up isolating themselves and what they fear so much happens: being left alone.

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The causes of fear of rejection

Our way of behaving and acting towards others is affected by the lived experiences over the years and for the education received.

Although there is no clear origin regarding the fear of rejection, the truth is that there are certain situations that may be involved:

  • Constantly feeling like a second-class person.
  • Have been isolated during childhood or adolescence.
  • Having been a victim of bullying or abuse.
  • Have rigid concepts regarding what is acceptable and what is not socially.
  • Lack of solid references.
  • Having internalized the belief of not being valid or worthy of appreciation by others.

6 tips to overcome the fear of rejection

Rejection hurts, but We cannot allow the fear of not being accepted to stop us from moving forward.. So here are six tips to help you overcome this fear:

1. Remember that it can happen to anyone

Believe it or not, rejection is an extremely difficult situation. commonwhich we have all gone through at some point. Although this does not make it easier, the truth is that realizing that You are not the only one What happens to you can help you put your fear into perspective.

It is essential that you understand that rejection is a process that we will all have to face at some point in our lives and that it is okay.

2. Validate your feelings

In case you have been rejected, you should be clear that Rejection is accompanied by other emotions such as embarrassment or discomfort.

It is important that you recognize how you feel in order to confront this fear constructively.

3. Remember what you are worth

Fear of rejection can negatively affect your confidence, so it is essential to remember that you are worth a lot and that you are worthy of receiving love.

4. Put your fear into perspective

The fear of rejection can make you worry excessively about possible scenarios and situations that have not yet occurred. Therefore, putting things into perspective and putting things into perspective is of utmost importance when it comes to overcoming this fear.

5. Reject your negative self-talk

When you suffer from this type of fear, it is common that you tend to fall into a spiral of self-criticismYou must be careful because this will only reinforce your belief that you are not enough and will prevent you from moving forward.

Think positively It can help you improve your perspective on relationships, the future, your capabilities and therefore reduce your fear of being rejected.

6. Talk to a professional

Although you can overcome fear of the future on your own, the truth is that receiving help from a professional can be a very useful toolA psychologist can give you certain guidelines to follow to improve your internal dialogue or increase your self-esteem and the way you perceive yourself.