6 tips for starting from scratch – Online Psychologists

Unfortunately, there are people who live in constant unhappiness. They live surrounded by circumstances that prevent them from progressing: friendships of several years that deteriorate over time, a job where boredom traps you or a toxic romantic relationship that you cannot break off. There are many situations that can make you consider start from scratch.

Closing one chapter and opening another is a decision that requires extreme courage. Anxiety may appear when you consider facing such a major change.

However, you must remember that the Past experiences do not have to determine your futureIn this article, you will see six useful tips to change what you don't like about your life.

Tips for starting from scratch

Changing countries, taking a sabbatical year or living experiences you've never tried before… Everyone will have to find their own solution. way to disconnect from the past and change your perspective on the future.

However, there are some tips that can help you start from scratch:

  • Don't blame others for your mistakes

Mistakes should serve you as learning method and what you shouldn't do in this new stage.

Perform an introspection exercise and review the negative decisions that have impacted your life and the lives of others.

Writing about the different situations you experienced in a week is an excellent exercise to review everything that has happened to you. It can be useful for you to have a reference material where you can go and learn from what you have experienced.

You shouldn't punish yourself though. You have to try to have as objective a view as possible.

Also, avoid looking for someone to blame for your own mistakes. If you demystify mistakes and understand that they are inherent to being human, you will not need to make excuses, because you will understand that failing is normal.

  • Discover skills you didn't know you had

Sadness prevents you from trying new things and discovering skills that were there all along. By starting from scratch you have the opportunity to bring them out and, why not, meet people who appreciate and value them as they deserve.

  • Get rid of the routine (gradually)

The habits that form the routine They can cause boredom and discomfort. Review your daily life to see what may be causing discomfort, unconsciously. Once you identify it, think about how long it will take you to change those habits for more positive ones and get ready to start from scratch.

  • Meditate on the relationships around you

This tip is similar to the previous one. Consider whether the people who are part of your closest environment contribute positive things to you.

This exercise will help to glimpse possible emotional dependencies or if you were looking for the mere approval from outside to feel more valued, which would be a serious self-esteem problem.

If you can't find a way to escape toxic relationships and start over without help, you may need to contact an online psychologist.

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Take care of your mental health with the help of a professional psychologist.

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The willpower and the self-leadership They will help you get rid of the idea that your past determines your future.

Nobody knows you better than yourself. You are the ideal person to design strategies for self-motivate and set some dates necessary for the goals you set for yourself.

Break with the links of the past And starting from scratch is always a difficult decision to make, but if that is what you want, it is best to do it quickly and decisively.

Extending relationships that are fading away will only increase stress and affect all aspects of your life. Despite the advice provided, going to a psychologist is one of the best ways to initiate a change.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

To date, more than 1,600 people have turned to us to find an online psychologist. If you also want to try our services, you can request a consultation First briefing free by clicking the button below.