With only 3 millimeters in length, lice are capable of clinging to the scalp and sucking our blood; which results very irritating, itching and itching. That is why it is very common that, when an individual is a victim of pediculosis -infestation of lice- he continually scratches his head, mainly on the the nape area, behind the ears and the crown of the head.
Lice are not only a matter of children, but also of adults responsible for vital hygiene. To prevent this type of pest, it is important avoid direct contact with an “infected” head; And in case there is already a plague on the scalp, it is essential to act quickly to eliminate them. For this reason, we share a list of home remedies to eliminate nits and lice:
lavender essential oil. Apply it directly to the scalp and let it sit overnight. As part of the treatment, change and wash the pillow. You can also use the essential oil of tea tree, rosemary, geranium, clove, eucalyptus or oregano; however, in these cases, dilute them in olive oil to apply the mixture directly. Use 20 drops of essential oil for every 50 teaspoons of olive oil.
Medicinal plants; such as eucalyptus, causia, lavender or mint. Make an infusion using 500 ml of water and 40 gr of the plant, letting it rest for 20 minutes. When it is at room temperature, strain the infusion and apply it all over the hair and scalp; put on a shower cap, leaving it on for an hour. Then wash your hair as usual and comb with a nit.
Olive oil. Smear scalp and hair with olive oil; cover with a wrestling cap and leave it on overnight. Then she washes the hair and passes a special comb for lice and nits.
Infusion of rue for lice. Prepare the infusion with 500 ml of water and 30 gr of rue. When it starts to boil, turn off the heat and add the rue. Cover and let rest for 20 minutes. Impregnate the hair, covering with a shower cap, and let it sit for an hour and a half.
Apple vinager. Only permeate that liquid well on the scalp, crown, neck and behind the ears. Let sit for three hours, then wash hair as normal. While the hair is wet, run the lice comb through the hair to remove debris.
Coconut oil. Apply it on the scalp and hair. Put the shower cap or plastic wrap covering the head well. Let sit for four hours; then wash the hair and, finally, comb with a nit comb.
Each of these alternatives repeats the same operation for the next ten days. Remember to wash both the scalp and the objects that come into contact with the head, such as towels, pillowcases, sheets and cushions.
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