Unfortunately, parasites and dogs are a very intimate and at the same time counterproductive relationship.
It cannot be avoided that your dog does not bring home one of the little pests from time to time – like for example grass mites.
What home remedies are there for grass mites in dogs? You can find out in the following guide.
My dog has grass mites – treatment with home remedies or better with commercially available ones?
Before we answer that question for you, a quick digression on grass mites. This is also under the name harvest mite known. It’s about a arachnid.
Your dog will only be bitten by them Larvae that are 0.2 to 0.3 millimeters in size.
Good to know:
Active are the little beasts that nest in the skin, between spring and the autumn. Not only dogs are plagued by them – humans are also among the preferred victims of the grass mite.
Many already can some home remedies help to render the tormentors harmless.
Since these are usually of natural origin, these are preferable to many commercially available products.
Especially if these means are chemical clubs. Straight spot ons are hotly debated among dog owners.
The advantage of these remedies: They prevent parasites and fight a wide range of the «most popular» dog parasites.
Our tip: Home remedies are usually suitable as «First aid» and if the plague of parasites is not yet completely out of hand.
Nevertheless, it can be very useful to already so-called ectoparasites combat by other means.
Why? To reduce the risk of so-called endoparasitessuch as worms, and secondary infections.
6 effective home remedies for grass mites
But let’s start with the home remedies, which should prove particularly effective in getting rid of harvest mites.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Grass mites have an unpleasant quality – or the larvae have them. They nest in the dog’s skin and cause such an itch.
By scratching, the dog in turn misses out on smaller wounds, which in turn provide the breeding ground for other parasites and the like.
So how can you already relieve and stop the itching and ideally also render the larvae harmless?
Apple Cider Vinegar is the first option you have here. This not only has an acute effect against the harvest mite, it also prevents it.
It’s enough if you 2-3 times a week a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar under the drinking water your fur nose mixes.
Good to know:
Just included apple peels pectin. This substance, in turn, is excellently suited to indigestion to be managed by dogs.
So you see: apple cider vinegar has more than just a positive effect on your dog’s health.
coconut oil
coconut oil has become a true silver bullet against parasites for some time.
Why does it help against grass mites? It contains lauric acid. This in turn is poison for him chitin armor of the mites and kills them accordingly.
How do you use coconut oil correctly? Simply rub the dog’s fur regularly with a small amount. You can carefully treat the ears with a cloth.
Another advantage: the fur and skin of your fur nose will also be happy about this coconut oil treatment and will compete with your dog’s smile.
It is less the olives that help against the grass mites than that olive oil. It is particularly effective when the itching has already caused wounds.
Because: Olive oil is considered anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Experts recommend using so-called ozonated olive oil.
This is enriched with oxygen and can thus combine even better with the oxygen in the air.
like the coconut oil You can also simply rub the olive oil on the affected areas of the skin. Fur and skin are also happy here once again.
baking soda
baking soda is another home remedy that is said to help against grass mites and the itching they cause.
You mix one for that A pinch of baking soda with a little water and apply this paste to the skin areas.
neem oil
neem oil contains the same active ingredient as coconut oil: lauric acid. This is also an absolute horror for the larvae of the grass mite.
Because it messes up their hormonal balance. To such an extent that the larvae simply fall off the dog.
To do this, you massage the oil carefully on the skin areas occupied by the larvae a.
curd soap
curd soap hardly any of us have one in the house. Nevertheless, the «original soap» is particularly efficient on grass mites and their larvae.
To make them harmless, you treat your dog a real bath. And lather it up properly with curd soap.
The second positive effect: your dog was also able to do his weekly bath with it.
Alternatives to home remedies
The alternative to a home remedy does not always have to be a spot-on. Other resources should also help here.
It’s almost the logical consequence that too high percentage of alcohol helps against grass mites.
However, we’re not talking about your favorite gin, beer or rum here. We’re talking about ethanolwho really only suitable for external use is.
Above all open wounds should be treated with it. This disinfects them and kills the mites and larvae.
If you are worried that your dog will lick the liquid: This concern is usually unfounded. Because both this pure alcohol and the disinfectants taste extremely unpleasant.
And by the way, they are also used by the vet – and they probably wouldn’t use anything that would harm your fur nose, right?
When should I go to the vet?
In general, home remedies or commercially available alternatives can be sufficient to render an ectoparasite harmless.
But it can often happen that the tormentor has already had enough time to cause trouble internally.
In this case, your dog will more symptoms show that go far beyond the itching and scratching.
Here it is ALWAYS: Please drive with your dog to the vet immediately. Because only he has the means to help your dog against a parasite and the diseases it causes.
Grass mites are among the most troublesome parasites that can affect both dogs and humans.
The mean: you kick only in the best seasons up, namely in spring and in summer.
A chemical club does not always have to be used immediately. Often already help some home remediesthe most have more than one positive effect.
Have you already had painful experiences with grass mites? Or your dog?
Then we would be happy if you share these and your tips against the parasites with us in the comments.