6 great movies that you must see if you want to get back with your ex

Ending a relationship is annoying and sad of course depending on the type of relationship and reasons for ending, however, it is sadder to miss the company of that person without being able to take a step back and turn back time.

We know that more than once you have been in that situation that can become a tremendous dilemma for you, for this reason we want to share a list of movies that we saw on AireDigital and that are great.


What does a futuristic movie have to do with it? Well, it turns out that the protagonist is left by his wife and falls in love with a voice with artificial intelligence, which is capable of conversing and understanding him. It seems confusing, but the message is about autonomy after a breakup, it is also a film that Max Milfort has told us a lot about because something very similar happens to him with his maxilophone and his assistant Sisi…

the last five years

If you love musicals, you will surely love this movie. It tells the story of how love blossoms between two boys (the beautiful part of the story). In the middle of the film they must decide whether to continue with her life or continue the relationship.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

The story, without being futuristic, is about a company dedicated to erasing the memories of ex-partners; with the intention of making life less miserable. However, the universe always sends signals as to whether or not you should be with that person.

Jim Carrey’s performance definitely makes this movie one of our favorites.


The idea of ​​getting back together with your ex might sound fantastic in your head, but this movie will pour cold water on you. The message of this film is that we overvalue the past and that those relationships that we miss, the truth is that they were not so “perfect”.

One Day (Always the same day)

We know that many movies tell us “Stop! Not a good idea!”, but there are also positive films. Although the film is quite sad, it tries to explain that there are people predestined to be together, even if they are separated for days, months or years.

Elvira, I would give you my life but I’m using it

The thought of going back to our ex turns us into crazy stalkers. Well, this film goes further, because Elvira becomes obsessed to the point of spying on and following her ex-partner. It turns out that she is already with someone else. She makes us understand that we must let the wound heal, because if it is open it can get worse.

Have you seen any of these movies? Tell us which one is your favorite or which one you think was missing from the list.