You’ve probably heard it before when your dog was tired and listless: see if he pale mucous membranes has.
But what do pale mucous membranes look like in dogs? what is a normal color Are there also dogs with light-colored gums?
Here you will find the answers.
Identify pale mucous membranes
Pale mucous membranes in dogs can be very light pink or nearly white be.
Common is your dog’s gums shiny and pink. Deviations from this can quickly indicate an illness.
If you’re not sure, you can check one area of the gum press with your finger.
If you take your finger away, you see a for a second bright spotwhich very quickly takes on the color of the rest of the gums.
Good to know
There are dogs that are very dark pigmented have gums. But also very light gums occurs in the dog.
But there are also dogs with many dark spots in their mouths pink spots. In addition, they can mucous membranes of the eyes be examined as an alternative to the mouth.
Pale mucous membranes in dogs – 6 possible causes
1. Poisoning
There are several signs of poisoning in dogs. Pale to white mucous membranes in the dog are included.
But other signs point to poisoning:
- Fever
- weakness
- cramps
- bleeding from body orifices.
2. Torsion of the stomach
If there is a torsion in the stomach, the Your dog’s oral mucosa is white.
This together with strong Restlessness, salivation and unproductive vomiting speak for a torsion of the stomach.
Without surgery, the dog dies of circulatory shock.
3. Bladder infection
When dogs have a bladder infection, they tend to little to drink. So less urine is passed. This inflammation is often accompanied by fever.
Pale mucous membranes, fatigue and a frequent urge to urinate can indicate cystitis.
4. Anemia
Even with one so-called anemia Does your dog have pale mucous membranes? However, anemia is not an independent disease, but a symptom.
The causes of anemia can be severe blood loss, impaired blood clotting, a tick bite as well as tumor diseases or poisoning be.
5. Injury
A blood vessel injury in the abdomen can accident, biting or a tumor develop.
With this one your dog has fast pale mucous membranesa hard to feel pulse and breathing problems.
As a result of an injury, it can also lead to a shock come. Pale mucous membranes and a rapid pulse can indicate this.
6. Surgery
As a result of an operation, your dog may initially have pale mucous membranes. Often he has to cycle just get going again.
If the dog continues to have pale mucous membranes after the surgery, a internal bleeding present.
What can I do if my dog has pale mucous membranes?
watch your dog Is he acting normal aside from the pale mucous membranes?
if you don’t Signs of pain, shock or exhaustion you should see next to the mucous membranes control breathing and pulse.
If you are unsure if your dog is really well, you should consult your veterinarian for advice.
Good to know
The best thing to do is to get a first impression of the appearance of the mucous membranes your dog.
Here’s how you can im emergency best evaluate whether they get a different color.
It is also advisable to check the mucous membranes and vital functions of your dog to be checked regularly.
through the repetition and habituation of your dog, you can also carry out this examination more easily in an emergency.
Your dog will not be additionally unsettled and neither you will succeed in the individual movements much more easily.
When should I see a vet?
As you now know, can pale to white mucous membranes indicate poisoning, disease, injury or tumor.
Especially with pale mucous membranes old dog is not to be trifled with!
It is therefore important that you immediately vet advise.
Only this one can causes to the bottom go and decide how your dog needs to be treated.
If you notice pale mucous membranes in your dog, this can be due to a serious illness, internal bleeding or stomach torsion Clues.
Therefore, it is important to know what your dog’s mucous membranes normally look like.
If you are not sure, you can use the one already mentioned pressure test do on your dog’s gums.
Either way, you should vet ask for advice if you notice pale mucous membranes on your dog.
Do you check your dog regularly so that you can react quickly in an emergency? Let us know in the comments.