6 cute reasons why your dog puts its paw on you

In pictures or in videos, you can see dogs of all breeds and sizes putting their paws on their master’s or mistress’ arm or leg.

Touched let’s watch this one Proof of love, friendship and togetherness.

But what exactly does it mean when your dog puts his paw on you? Do you always correctly interpret his will or interests?

We’ll show you 6 sweet, touching reasonsthat your four-legged friend can have for putting his paw on your arm or on your lap.

1. He wants to comfort you

dogs with her sensitive flair for our moods very quickly when we notice sad or disturbed are.

So if you’re sitting on the couch brooding, even crying or otherwise making an unhappy impression, your four-legged darling will come, snuggle up to you and put his paw on you.

2. He wants your attention

As soon as you come home from work and leave you done from your daily workload fall on the sofa, does your dog come and put his paw on you?

Then you may have it not properly welcomedhave deviated from your routine and he demands after the long time apart, your attention.

3. He shows you his affection and friendship

Unfortunately, dogs cannot communicate with us. How much would they have to say about our behavior and stressful everyday life?

He relies on sounds or gestures to express his feelings towards you. Putting your paw on is one such gesture. One Gesture of love and trust to you.

4. He begs for a treat

Does your dog like to put his paw on your leg when you are sitting somewhere or leaning towards him?

He puts his paw down maybe always on the legin which in your trousers there is a pocket and there are treats inside?

He could also put his paw on you, when you sit down to eat. Then mostly on the side with which you lead the fork. These are classic signs of a little begging for food or treats!

5. He’s scared

Dogs can new or unusual situations also respond with anxiety.

New Year’s or other fireworks with their loud bang, a passing one Emergency vehicle with flashing lights and siren would be such extraordinary occurrences.

If your dog puts his paw on your arm or leg at this moment, then he wants to know your assurance, your nearness. Then he is a bit anxious because of the noise and the unfamiliar situation.

6. Fun fact: dominance behavior

Anyone who is a new dog owner and has perhaps not yet made it clear which of you is the master of the house and therefore the alpha animal could also get the paw on.

But then it is a sign from having this to take on the role commemorates!

There are raceswhich dominant are embossed. These are often dogs, which to protective purposes were bred. Also very independent herding dog breeds may prove dominant.

The paw on your arm, in larger specimens also on your shoulder, then means that he sees you as standing under him.

As part of his pack, of course, and no less affected by his affectionbut not as a recognized alpha in his life!

Correct interpretation of gestures in dogs

We keep reminding you how important a early education and socialization your dog’s.

Who already owns his puppy sets limits and consequent denies the day with his furry friend in his do’s and don’ts later be able to easily read his gestures.

The binding between dog and owner can be very intimate be. Even with consistent education. Observe your four-legged friend and recognize your mood at this moment, then you will know why he is offering you his paw right now!