Dogs drink – that’s a fact. And if you drink, you also have to pee, i.e. urinate.
In general, this happens in the course of going for a walk, also by so-called marking.
But what, when the dog «just like that» loses urine?
In the following guide we explain the causes and possible diseases behind it.
Dog leaks urine – 6 causes
A dog loses not without good reason from now on certain amounts of urine.
There is, of course, a cause or trigger for this. Is this found in diseasethese diseases can be the cause.
1. Bladder infection/urinary tract disease
In the cystitis it is in a way about a classicwhen it comes to dog urination.
However, this is a specific weaning and not to be compared with normal urination.
Because the dog drinks a lot, but only urinates drop by drop or not at all. The urge to urinate is still there. Feels suddenly comes too urine with blood added.
The logical next step: You take your fur nose to the vet. This will examine the urine – if you don’t already have a urine sample at hand – and one of those cystitis determined.
2. Bladder stones
Not only humans can under bladder stones Suffer. Dogs can get these too. Here form in the urethra crystalswho get stuck there.
A distinction is made here between Struvite and calcium oxalate crystals.
These are favored by the wrong drinking water. But also Stress can be a trigger to promote crystal formation.
3. Stress
In many cases, stress is to blame when a dog shows sudden behavioral problems. This includes compulsive urination.
Is your dog afraid of something? Like leaving him alone? The hereby Triggered stress should be compensated by the increased peeing.
The possible result: one urinary tract infection as well as the formation of bubble crystals.
Yes, Stress is dangerous – and is a true Pandora’s box when it comes to the health of our four-legged friends.
Good to know:
Make sure that drinking water has the correct pH valueso that crystals cannot form in the first place.
Also there is certain preparationswhich are intended to reverse and prevent their formation and also help to reduce stress.
If your dog has bladder stones, there are now special feedthat supports their resolution. You can get this from your veterinarian or in a pet shop.
4th age
incontinence the dog can too with the age of the fur nose related. Just a senior is no longer master of his bladder.
It is therefore unfortunately normal if this dog also when walking, sleeping or getting up leaks a few drops of urine.
Vice versa can also a puppy or young dog lose urine easily while running.
Namely when he sheer joy at seeing you again lets nature take its course.
Good to know:
If your dog is a senior, please note that he is not responsible for the sudden urination. He just can’t control his bladder properly anymore.
Yes, it’s annoying when it feels like dog pee lands everywhere. But please stay calm and above all: Don’t yell at your dog!
Because it’s neither his fault, nor does he understand why you’re suddenly so angry with him.
5. Gender
Above all Mark males. If your dog is a male, it’s not uncommon for him to urinate and/or maybe even lick it.
Because: This urine is used for marking. And contains very important information hormone balance, age, willingness to mate and much more.
Already knew?
Dogs can thanks to the Jacobson’s organ taste smells.
And urine, which smells, also has a function as a result of licking potential information and database.
6. Surgery
Another cause can be an operation – or the previously performed anesthesia.
Have you ever noticed that your dog needs to urinate as soon as it gets back from the vet?
A similar principle also applies after the anesthesia. Here is an urge to urinate is not uncommonand the urine must of course be removed as quickly as possible.
What can I do for my dog?
If a home remedy doesn’t help to stop the seemingly random urination, that’s natural going to the vet at.
It is extremely helpful if you have compiled a checklist for this.
This can consist of the following questions, the answers to which you then give the veterinarian:
- How long has the problem existed?
- Does urination happen in certain situations?
- For example: wild greeting at the door or while sleeping.
- Is your dog showing any other behavioral changes?
- For example: Is your dog suddenly drinking more than usual?
- Do you find your dog’s urination different than usual?
For example: Your dog sits down much more often and only puts on small amounts? Or does your male dog keep raising his leg and nothing comes?
Have you perhaps seen in the urine that blood or other changes are mixed in?
Here’s just an answer no reason not immediately or at least as soon as possible to the veterinarian to drive: When your dog simply pees away out of exuberant joy. He’s happy.
And you can break the habit of doing this yourself relatively quickly with the appropriate basic commands and treats as a reward.
Therapy and treatment options at the veterinarian
If it is necessary to go to the vet, you now have a checklist that you can present to them.
Based on this and other (laboratory) testshe or she can then begin therapy or treatment.
If the cause is a urinary tract infection usually antibiotics deployed. Because these are very effective when bacteria are the cause of the infection.
Good to know:
Please give to your dog Never antibiotics without prior consultation with the veterinarian! In some cases these are not necessary.
And moreover, an increased administration of these drugs means: The body becomes resistant over timethe antibiotics are no longer effective.
In addition, this one burden on the dog dar – especially for the intestinal tract.
A subsequent Treatment with a probiotic is therefore mandatory to bring the damaged intestinal flora back into balance.
Eliminate traces of urine in the house and apartment
Traces of urine can of course also appear in your home if you urinate randomly or suddenly.
On the one hand, they see ugly out, to the other smell her too, of course.
Luckily there is various home remedieswith which you eliminate the traces and neutralize the smell can.
Mixed with water, is Vinegar very effective to remove traces of urine and the odor.
It will also discourage your dog from continuing to mark the areas treated with it.
Also lavender should be suitable for at least getting the cause of urine traces and odor under control.
Because most dogs find the smell so caustic that they the areas treated here no longer even startto urinate here.
Another plus: smell or not – the calming effect of lavender won’t just «blow past» your dog either.
baking powder
baking powder is a little secret weapon when it comes to removing stains.
Because: Baking powder brightens and removes yellowish discolorations from almost any surface.
This also applies to traces of dog urine that can be found on carpets, walls, sofas or wherever.
Simply mix a little baking soda with water – please no warm or hot one, otherwise it foams – and remove the traces of urine with it.
If your dog loses urine, like always – different causes of triggers be. In addition to stress, these are mainly found in urinary tract our four-legged friends.
In fact it hangs stress in many cases, however, together with the respective diseases.
Because this one weakens the immune system and makes the dog’s body more susceptible to bacteria, viruses and the diseases they cause.
It is very helpful if you Monitor your dog’s symptoms closely and in one checklist summarizes.
This not only helps you and your dog. The vet also knows very quickly where the proverbial rub in the pepper could be.
That means: The right treatment can be found and started more quickly.
How is it with your fur nose? Is she all right or has she had problems urinating before?
As always, we would be happy if you share your experiences and «problem solutions» with us in the comments!