6 Brutal Crimes Committed by Occult Sects or Rituals

(Icarus Yuji)


After murdering a colleague, a Satanist couple in Germany showed satisfaction for the crime, which according to them was a request from the devil

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«Vampire of darkness seeks princess of darkness who hates everything and everyone.» It was with this lovely advertisement, published in a German music magazine, that the couple Daniel and Manuela Ruda met. After a while of dating, the wedding arrived on a beautiful sixth day of the sixth month. All to symbolize the number of the beast, 666. This union of darkness could not have another godfather: the devil. As a gift, the couple said they received orders from Satan himself to kill.

A toast with blood

On July 6, 2001, the couple invited Frank Haagen, Daniel’s work colleague, to their apartment in the city of Witten. The guest didn’t know it, but he would be brutally murdered in that encounter. Frank was repeatedly hit with a hammer and stabbed 66 times. After killing, Daniel and Manuela carved a pentagram on the man’s chest, drank his blood from a bowl and «celebrated» the feat by having sex in a coffin.

the evidence of the crime

The insane couple was arrested a week after committing the crime. And they didn’t even have to confess to the murder: the police found Frank’s mutilated body already in a state of decomposition in the Ruda’s own house, along with a set of knives, axes and satanic messages that covered the walls of the room. The two had bought a chainsaw: they didn’t want to be left empty-handed in case Satan «summoned» them again.

demons in treatment

Put on trial, Daniel and Manuela were found mentally incompetent and sentenced to spend 15 and 13 years, respectively, in a psychiatric detention center. The couple showed no remorse for the crime. On the contrary, they shocked the city by their extroverted behavior during the process. In court, the couple’s final gesture was a satanic hand sign.

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(David Augustus)


Resident of Goiânia was arrested 22 years after sacrificing a child in the name of a love relationship no reciprocated

love problems

A barbaric crime shocked the population of Goiânia (GO) in 1989. A 4-year-old boy was brutally murdered at the Axé Ilê Oxalufã terreiro, during a black magic ritual whose sole objective, believe me, was to “solve” a love affair with a couple. O what happened was that the beautician Elsa Soares da Silva, dissatisfied with O her ex-boyfriend had started a new love relationship, asked the father of saint Willian Domingos da Silva for help.

macabre dispatch

O pai de santo accepted O «work», but said he would need a child for a sacrifice. Elsa then kidnapped a boy who lived in the neighborhood, and O took it to the pai de santo. O boy, Michel Mendes, was gagged and underwent a series of cruelties during O ritual: he was beaten, had three teeth removed, all the fingers on his hand were amputated and, in the end, he was decapitated. O The boy’s body was only found 13 days later, in a grave near the place of death.

late but no failure

After investigations by the police, Willian and Elsa were charged by the Public Ministry, but O investigation was stopped until 1998, when investigations were resumed. O pai de santo was tried and sentenced, in January 2009, to 19 years in prison for triple homicide: a crime committed for a base reason, with the use of cruel means and a resource that made it impossible for the victim to defend himself. He was arrested only in 2011, after several appeals in court.

Without love in prision

Elsa, in turn, was sentenced to 18 years in prison. Considered the mastermind of the crime, she weighed against the beautician O fact that objects similar to those used during the O criminal ritual. O The trial also mentioned the participation of two other people in the crime, Alexandre dos Santos Silva Neto and Eva dos Santos Marinho, who died before being judged. O beautician’s ex-boyfriend no was mentioned throughout the process.

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(Icarus Yuji)


Inspired by the writings of Aleister Crowley, an English group mixed debauchery with Satanism. The result was not good.

child abuse

The town of Kidwelly, Wales, was home to a systematic child abuse scheme for over a decade. Under the command of Colin Batley, the leader of a type of sect satanic of sex, countless children served over 12 years as «sex toys» for Batley and his eccentric followers. The group’s activities were inspired by the ideas of the occultist Aleister Crowley and the Book from the Lawmain reference work of followers from the Thelema, the society created by Crowley.

Social services did not call

In the group’s ceremonies, people wore hoods, ornaments with an inverted cross, and chanted in front of an altar. The activities did not bother the neighbors, as part of them were involved in the scheme. The children of members of this sect, isolated from other children, had to obey Batley’s orders and were forced to participate in group sex ceremonies. In 2002, Kidwelly’s social service was alerted to suspicions of child abuse, but did not investigate.

demons in prison

The practices of this sect crime were only discovered in 2011, when some children and young people managed to escape the scheme and denounced everyone. Batley was arrested, tried and found guilty of 35 counts, including rape, incitement to prostitution and pedophilia. Some of his followers who followed the court hearing wept when the judge ruled that he should spend more than a decade in prison.

sad report

Annabelle Forest is one of the children who suffered abuse for a long time. At age 11, she was initiated into an incestuous relationship by her own mother, Jacqueline Marling, in addition to being forced into prostitution with more than 1,800 men, including Batley himself, with whom she had a son, at age 18. Annabelle managed to escape the scheme and, in 2011, published the book The Devil on the Doorstep – My Escape from a Satanic Sex Cultan account that aided in Batley’s conviction and from the her own mother.

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(David Augustus)


A crazy religious leader said that the world would end in a nuclear war – and decided to start the destruction in the city of Tokyo

At the middle of the crowd

On a typical morning in Japan’s capital, throngs of people crowded the subway heading to work. Five men were on different trains discreetly carrying plastic bags filled with a colorless liquid. Almost simultaneously, when disembarking, they dropped the packages in the wagons, piercing them with the tip of the umbrella. The doors closed and the subway continued journey. Many of the passengers would not even reach the next station on that March 20, 1995.

chemical weapon

The packages contained sarin, a very volatile liquid that quickly turns into a lethal gas and acts on people’s nervous systems. The chemical weapon spread through the carriages, causing widespread nausea, with thousands of people experiencing tingling in the mouth, difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness. The result was catastrophic: 13 people died, dozens were in an almost vegetative state and more than 6,000 were intoxicated. Some were left with serious sequelae.

Aum Shinrikyo

The five criminals were members of the Supreme Truth (Aum Shinrikyo, in Japanese), a religious sect founded in 1984 by Japanese Shoko Asahara and inspired by interpretations of elements of Buddhism, Hinduism, Book of Revelation, writings of Nostradamus and even yoga. Asahara preached that humanity would self-destruct in a nuclear war. And, of course, only the members of the Supreme Truth would be spared. At the At first, the sect had more than 50,000 followers.

right destination

Asahara was found guilty of the attack and sentenced to death by a Tokyo court, along with 12 other members of the Supreme Truth. All of them are still awaiting execution and remain in prison. Even after the process ended, the motive for the attack is unknown: Asahara’s lawyers, who gave confusing testimony to the court, alleged the leader’s mental incapacity. The sect, now renamed Aleph, remains under government surveillance. Japanese.

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(Icarus Yuji)


Shedding blood in the name of the devil would be the greatest sacrifice one could give him. But some Russians wanted to offer more

Light, camera, action

It sounds like a horror movie script, but it really happened. Called to verify an occurrence in the limits of the city of Yaroslavl, Russia, the local police found pieces of bodies in a ditch around a cross planted upside down. The investigations led to the discovery of something super macabre: a group of young people killed, butchered, cooked and ate body parts of four teenagers in a satanic ritual.

Outlet 1

The victims were other goth kids who were between the ages of 16 and 17. They had told their parents that they were going to attend a nearby music festival. But the police found that they had arranged to meet Nikolai Ogolobyak, leader of a Russian Satanist sect. The meeting, in reality, was an ambush. The youths were drunk and mercilessly stabbed: each one was stabbed 666 times. Two of the teenagers were killed on June 28, 2008, and another two the following day.


One of the satanists prisoners confessed that, on another occasion, he violated the tomb of a child who had recently died and ate the corpse’s heart. Yet another criminal refused to renounce the belief. “Satan will help me avoid responsibility. I made a lot of sacrifices for him,” the madman told police. Six members of the sect were found guilty of murder and desecration of bodies by Russian justice. The longest sentence, 20 years in prison, went to Ogolobyak.

In who’s name?

Crimes involving rituals satanists Macabres like this are often directly associated with the Church of Satan, which uses a symbology closely linked to Satan. But, according to the followers of this sect, they do not directly worship the devil, but principles such as pride and individualism (criticized, for example, by Christian religions). There are those who take it to the extreme, like these Russians satanistswho did the devil in the name of the bad-thing.

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(David Augustus)


Insane belief in and idolatry of an evil entity can lead a subject to commit atrocities that even the bad-thing doubts.

torture to death

Imagine a crime so barbaric that the Justice decided to keep the details secret for 40 years (so as not to give ideas to others…