6 breathing exercises to relax (guided by GIFs)

Visualize yourself as a being without a past, forget history and focus on the present of your existence. There are several options to reduce stress on your body; with the stages of meditationessential oils, with the nature or even with breathing exercises.

If you are not one of those who spend a lot of time relaxing but experience stress on a daily basis, take a closer look at this GIF-guided technique that will give you a breath of calm. You will only need to synchronize your breathing with the images and that’s it!

The body reacts to stress in the well-known «fight or flight» mode. This is a natural response to situations perceived as dangerous and in which blood pressure increases, the defense of the immune system decreases and leads us to states of anxiety that many of us have experienced.

For this, scientists from the Harvard Medical School recommend a simple and effective way to counter this feeling of lack of control. A series of breathing exercises that include deep inhalations with light exhalations could combat the side effects of the “flight” mode in our body.

Part of the side effects of this response mode is a range of motion of the diaphragm that prevents the lower lungs from getting enough air, leading to a state of agitation and anxiety.

6 breathing exercises with GIFs:

The secret to unlocking the antidote to stress is to start with slow, deep breaths.

Fill your lungs with oxygen so that bodily functions are alert and active.

Feel your blood pressure stabilize and gradually control your heart rate.

Now you are going to try to hold the air a little; feel control of your breath and don’t be afraid to hold it for a few seconds and then exhale.

Return to your normal breathing; let the air flow again and your lungs and heart rate settle.

You’ve reached the end, yawn and allow your body to feel completely relaxed. You can do this guide to breathing exercises if you feel that stress consumes your mind.

Keep reading: 10 essential oils to relieve stress (and how to use them)

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