5 tricks to improve your physical and mental attractiveness – Online Psychologists

Being attractive does not have so much to do with something sexual, it is also about having more friends, more plans, more jobs, getting more things in our life, that is, have more engagement.

You may have noticed that when we like someone and find them interesting we say things like: “Oh, I’m so hooked on them.” This is precisely what happens because of the psychology of attraction

What is attraction? What is it about being attractive?

When we ask ourselves what it means to be attractive, the first thing we think is that it has to do with something physical, but no. When we talk about someone being attractive we are referring to their emotional side.

In fact, Physical attraction has to do with something that is totally attractive, but that is superfluous, that passes and disappears. Not an emotional attraction, this endures and lasts over time, that is, it leaves a mark.

You're probably thinking of someone handsome right now, like your favorite actress or actor. However, this fades away. Well, it's clear that they are handsome, but When you are asked about someone attractive, people who are not pretty come to mind, but they are attractive, that is, They come to our mind and have something that we don't know what it is, but it attracts us.

They are usually funny people with whom we have a good time, people who They have topics of conversationpeople who hook upthat We want to see, hear or be with that person. That's being attractive.

And as you have noticed, we are not talking about physical attractiveness, we are talking about an emotional appeal. We are referring to the way we look at things, the fun, the conversation, what we convey and the connection, something that, by the way, can be learned.

Yes, the physique can also change, we can change our routine and start exercising, eating well or even cosmetic surgery, but you have to know that That is something temporary and will not last over time. since it has to do with our hormones.

However, the emotional appeal is engaging and enduring.

Guidelines you have to follow

There are 3 things that need to be made clear, hence the guidelines we are going to give you.

  • On the one hand, we find the “mirror effect”: You stand in front of the mirror and make a gesture, such as winking or looking into someone's eyes. What is the mirror going to do? Exactly the same thing.

When we are in front of a person who makes the same gestures, who speaks the same way, who repeats the same things, who thinks the same… In short, he does the same thing as us, and that attracts a lot. Therefore, you have to pay a lot of attention to the posture, the gestures, everything that the other person is transmitting. That will make us more attractive.

  • Secondly, there is a very important trick that has to do with something priority: the first impression. What lasts the longest is the first impression, what we receive first. Therefore, what lasts the longest must be the most attractive.

For example, if someone tells you that he is intelligent, friendly, affectionate, stubborn and a liar, you will probably remember the first thing he said, You may think that he has some flaws like everyone else, but what you are left with is the first one.

However, if he changes the order and starts by telling you that he is stubborn and a liar, you will most likely stick with that. Although it may seem nonsensical, this is the first impression.

  • Thirdly, there is the “halo effect”. A few years ago this was confirmed and compared in the study of emotions and since then many experiments have been carried out and the same thing has always been corroborated.

But you may wonder: What is it? It means that when we see something in a person that we find interesting, attractive or good, let's say that we already have that impression formed, therefore, Everything that comes after and what I find out about that person I welcome as more pleasant. and I am more open to listening.

So the part about being attractive is not only about believing in ourselves, but also about going for it. Of course we always have to be natural and be ourselves, but in the end This is like a gift, the wrapping counts too.

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5 tricks to be more attractive

After reading the above guidelines, it's time to see what you can do to be more attractive.

Groom yourself, take care of your hair and your way of dressing, but always in a natural way. If we are natural (carefully) that will be what we transmit.

Remember that this is very important. If we are talking to a person who moves a lot, but we are static, do you think we will attract him?

The power to gesticulate and express ourselves in such a way will always attract more than a person who does none of that.even though he is telling us something very interesting.

Humor calls for humor. If you stop to think about the past, you will surely remember funny moments when you laughed a lot, even if years have passed or it was only a three-minute moment, you will remember them.

And you'll wonder why, well basically for the laughter, for the moment of absolute happiness, for the spontaneity and for the naturalness.

  • Practice active listening

We need people to see us and to be seen, that is, if we are telling something that worries us, that crosses our minds, we like it to be listen to us and ask us questions, not tell us something else.

Actively listening to what people are telling us is one of the most attractive things.

  • Trust in yourselves

We are not referring to self-esteem, We mean trusting what you feelThat is, if you like someone, don't hide it, say it. We all like to be told that we are interesting or that people like spending time with us. So don't hide it from them, if someone is giving you an interesting conversation, say it.

Expressing that we like someone seems to be frowned upon or we think that the other person is going to run away, when it is quite the opposite, It is pleasant, and the more pleasant, the more attractive.

Therefore, You have to always remember that the important thing is to be emotionally attractive.since that does not spoil or get lost over time like physical fitness, which is only temporary.

If you have any questions, our psychologists will answer them for you.

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