5 things NOT to ask cards

The reading of the cards or the Tarot, is a very popular and frequent activity among people who are looking for a sign about the expectations they have on issues such as health, money and love.

This query method is based on the selection of cards from a special deck, these are interpreted by a reader, according to the order or arrangement in which they have been selected or distributed.

What hardly anyone knows is that there is a correct way to ask the Tarot, that is why we share this information with you, this is what You should never ask the Tarot.

1. Never ask negative questions

When am I going to die? Or is my partner going to leave me? As well as being incredibly morbid, these aren’t tarot questions because tarot is meant to be a guide and besides, knowing the answer won’t help you, will it?

2. Do not ask many questions at the same time

Am I going to change jobs? Will they pay me the salary I want? Will I do well in the new job? The question should be one and should be focused on what interests you the most, for example, what do I need to know about the job that is being offered to me?

3. Do not try to free yourself from responsibility with your questions

Asking a question justifying an action is not the best thing, imagine that you hide something from your mother and then ask who was the person who hid it, you deceive yourself [email protected] and the others.

4. Do not ask an open question, ask the question with many details so your answer will be more effective.

When will I get married? [email protected] they ask about this, but the answer you might not like, because you could get married in 10 months or 10 years, that’s why you have to ask the more specific question, what do I need to know about getting married?, or what is the potential of my relationship with a certain person?

5. Ask a clear question

It is not the same to ask about how is it going to go in a new job?, to what do I need to know about a new job? The answer of the first question depends only on you, in the second question, the answer will be the one that will guide you towards making a decision.

Now yes, what would you like to ask the Tarot?