Dogs always come along too Diseases to fight. Cancer is the front runner, as with humans.
Liver cancer is particularly dangerous for older dogs.
Now we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about Liver tumors in dogs need to know!
Malignant liver tumor in the dog
We start with the good news. A liver tumor in dogs, especially in older four-legged friends, does not have to be a malignant liver tumor.
Benign types of tumors are also often found.
A malignant liver tumor exists if metastases quickly found in the surrounding organs permit.
Depending on the stage of malignant liver tumors in dogs treatment must begin.
A surgical intervention is not always possible due to its location!
Liver tumor in dogs: 5 symptoms
There are no specific signswhich directly to a malignant liver tumor at the dog close permit.
However, if the following symptoms appear, you should make an appointment with your veterinarian and clarify treatment:
You can cause yourself to become your darling withdraws from you.
loss of appetite
If suddenly for no reason leftovers in the bowl remain or it is hardly touched! (Rule out other reasons such as a diet change.)
vomiting and/or diarrhea
These symptoms can also be signs caused by a feed change to be triggered. If they don’t exist and your darling hasn’t eaten anything unfamiliar either – go to the doctor immediately!
Excessive thirst
This one is certainly not due to heatthen it can be a sign of a variety of diseases, not just a malignant liver tumor!
weight loss
Is this also with one big belly paired, then don’t ask the vet for an appointment first, but go straight there!
Diagnosis & treatment at the vet
If you have made an appointment with your sick darling at your veterinarian, this one will be ultrasound examination make to to find the suspected liver tumor.
At least, um one enlargement of the liver to attest, which is associated with a tumor.
With the help of a biopsy must then one of them tissue sample be removed.
Your vet will then need another one complete blood count. From this it can be read whether the Liver enzymes increased are and on what type of tumor it is.
In this investigation already finding out what stage the liver tumor is in. Especially if it is actually a malignant tumor.
Disease progression in liver cancer
The ultrasound image not only helps with the Localization of a tumorbut also at the Decisionif one surgical removal possible is.
For example, if the malignant liver tumor is located near or in the area of the bile ducts, it can be completely removed by surgery.
The biggest problem in malignant tumor diseases is next to the late diagnosis and the advanced stage the simultaneous spread of metastaseswhich one prevent permanent recovery!
Life expectancy in liver tumors in dogs
A liver tumor that is no longer operable is often misinterpreted as end-stage liver cancer.
But this does not mean, that it there are no treatment options.
How long exactly your dog still has to live with a liver tumor, cannot be said.
Because you cannot yet know whether a therapeutic measure such as cell therapy will work and improve the quality of life of your loved one again.
How can I support my dog?
You supports your dog especially with the fact that you give him a lot more attention and Changes in his behavior immediately discuss with the vet.
If the Liver tumor cannot be removed and through the cell therapywhich his strengthens your own defencesdoes not cause the Tumor may encapsulate, then it can continue to grow and burst.
When the liver tumor burstscan just as little to be saidas a accurate prognosis of life expectancy can be!
Experiences of dog owners with a liver tumor
The Consideration for euthanasia of the dog should only at the end of all possibilities stand, in it are themselves Dog owners agree with experience.
It find itself many therapy options, also feed changes or just one surgical intervention, to make your dog’s life comfortable despite being diagnosed with a liver tumor.
As far as your dog no pain has or aggravating additional diseases havingyou should support your darling.
The commentators in the individual forums agree on that
The remaining weeks and months of his life together with him or her enjoy. A liver tumor is usually diagnosed during the last 2 to 3 years of a dog’s life!
through the Take out dog insurance can you charge check-ups save because these are also intended to find diseases such as tumors at an early stage!
The earlier a disease is diagnosedthe better treatment options and this applies even to a malignant liver tumor.
Don’t wait until your dog is exhausted, with a big belly in his basket and the tumor has burst.
Then it’s really time to put it to sleep quicklyso that your darling does not have to suffer unnecessarily!
If you Experience with tumor diseasesspecifically benign or malignant liver tumor with your darling, then tell us which treatments helped you to enjoy life to the end!