White wine with red fruits
-1 White wine bottle (750 ml)
-600 ml of Lima-Limón soda
-½ cup of strawberries
-½ cup of raspberries
-½ cup of blue blackberry
-1 raspberry vodka shoot
In a jug, pour the white wine and raspberry vodka shoot. Add ice and once it is cold, it serves by placing some strawberries, raspberries and blue blackberries in each glass before adding the content of the jar. Otherwise, fruits could disintegrate inside.
White clericot
-1 White wine bottle (750 ml)
-1 cup of chopped green apples
-½ cup chopped strawberries
-2 peaches in almíbar chopped in cubes
-300 milliliters of mineral water
-100 milliliters of sweetening natural syrup
In a jug add apples, strawberries and peaches. Later add the wine, mineral water and let stand for five minutes. Add the ice and test the drink. If you consider that it is necessary sweet, add the sweetening natural syrup and serve cold.
What came to choose for these drinks?
The wines of parenting, reserve or great reserve are known throughout the world for the sophistication of their flavors from the way they evolve and take qualities of the barrel where they mature and enject.
The complex oak flavors that fire vanilla, tobacco, spices or citrus are perfect to enjoy a glass of wine, but When it comes to a summer and refreshing drink, it is best to choose young wines that have passed as little as possible growing in barrels or deposits Since its elaboration, with more fruity and simple flavors, characteristic of the grape from which they come.
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