It’s slowly but surely taking hold To know through, that Pitbulls are lovable and loving dogs are.
As so often it depends on the holderwhether a pit bull its negative or its positive Characteristics will live out. Whereby we have already ended up here with a matter of opinion, because what exactly is positive for you?
While the one dog owner appreciates his vigilance, disturbs his suspicious nature the holder with regular and numerous visitors in the long run.
We have a list created: 5 reasons why you shouldn’t buy a pit bull. With that we want that Don’t reinforce pit bulls’ bad reputationbut only make yourself aware of what you are getting yourself into!
5 reasons why you shouldn’t buy a pit bullwhereby Maybe these 5 reasons could encourage you to do so:
1. Pitbulls commonly have a bad reputation!
Because of herr muscular-stocky build see pit bulls for some people dangerous out of. The Impression will through her old reputation as fighting dogs still strengthened.
So if you go for a walk through the park with your pit bull in the future, you have to familiarize yourself with iteither wry looks or even to hear malicious comments!
2. Pitbulls may be banned in some regions, or may incur higher taxes as listed dogs!
dog taxes are things of the municipalities and the amount of insurance is determined by the individual companies themselves. There are no rulesets here!
A Pitbull could i.e. be listed as a list dog in your home town or region, they are actually rarely forbiddenand therefore cause higher running costs for you!
3. Pitbulls rarely make friends with other dogs!
Are self-evident Encounters with strangers and dogs in the puppy time there to the dogs socialize and get used to these situations.
A pit bull, however, will never mix with other dogs so far make friendsthat he frolics with them through the home garden. He becomes her acceptbut hardly shed his mistrust!
4. Pitbulls guard everything and everyone they count in their pack!
are pit bulls excellent watchdogswhat’s in her slight distrust is justified, which you with patience and consequence in the upbringing into loving kindness.
As family dogs take over self-assured and automatically each member, the territory, and also all items in it, into theirs Attention. Even if they doze off in the shade, seemingly bored, they have a sense of what’s going on around them!
5. Pitbulls hate being home alone!
Once integrated into their family and you loving being showing want she you and your loved ones no longer miss.
She prone to depression if they are left alone at home all the time. But since they are afflicted with their bad reputation, can it be difficult to bring to work. Dog sitters, on the other hand, quickly become friends with them!