5 reasons why you shouldn’t buy a German shepherd

You belong to the most popular dog breedswhen it comes to training too emergency services with the police or rescue workers.

German shepherds rejoice too in great demand by security guards and active familiesalthough they are not outspoken children lovers.

Because of her independent nature paired with high intelligence can her upbringing difficult design and they will not recommended for beginners.

If you are looking for a German Shepherd, then you should also read these 5 reasons why you should not buy a German Shepherd. Because one comprehensive information also means one easy coexistence to the end!

1. Power Struggle

This dog breed is not just physically strongbut also owns one strong willto act independently. This is what they were originally bred for!

She automatically take responsibilitywhen they find that their owner is no match for them, clear rules sets and consequent insist on compliance. If you let the reins slip in your upbringing, power struggles are inevitable.

2. Job wanted

Through her Past as guardians of animal herds German shepherds are permanent occupation used. We’re not talking about daily high physical performance here. It’s about, also to consider the cleverness of these four-legged friends.

The more mental challenge they encounter, the easier it is to leave them alone for a few hours. Otherwise he finds his tasks himself and this does not have to be to the advantage of the home furnishings.

3. Helpful gardeners

German shepherds love to find, bury and dig things up. Loose potting soil in your garden will be an invitation to dig to your heart’s content.

If this one too basically fun job can be for your darling, it consists above all in Gardens with many ornamental plants the risk of poisoning. flower bulbs are not harmless per se, but like to be chewed!

4. Torment breeding and lifelong suffering

Reputable breeders of course only work with healthy parents. Hereditary However, diseases cannot be completely ruled out. In addition, so some physical characteristics of the German Shepherd to the reasons for their suffering.

The best known in this case is their susceptibility to hip, knee and elbow problems. These result from the shortened hindquarters, because there it should not grow as high as on the front part of the body.

5. Active time together

He has enough employment and became he getting used to itcan a German shepherd absolutely stay alone. However, if you already know that you will have to leave him alone during the day when you are his job, then you better look for another breed.

A German Shepherds like to bond with their humans and then want to spend time together. Two walks or a jog through the park and throwing the toy twice is definitely not enough for him!