The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on is what you attract to you, like attracts like.
However, during this journey to find your soulmate, you will often wonder, «Where is he already?» or «Why can’t I find it?» Some single people even question what they are doing wrong that separates them from the love they deserve to experience and feel, at least once in their life.
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In fact, the reason why you haven’t let your soulmate into your life yet it’s because you still need some conviction when it comes to getting the man of your dreams, which is why using Law of Attraction techniques can change things.
Is on the way. You just have to believe it with every fiber of your being. Doubting or worrying about whether it will ever happen for you is going against the Law of Attraction and will definitely keep you apart.
You must be vigilant in keeping your heart open to allow him in by not resisting your desires with fear, doubt, or worry.
You must let go of any resistance to what you want. Resistance can be judgment, resentment, blame, jealousy, guilt, stress, disappointment, fear, anger, or doubt.
Instead, you should focus on the amazing relationship that is on its way to you now.
Here are 5 ‘Law of Attraction’ techniques you can use that will help you learn how to find your soulmate and attract the love and relationship you want.
1. Write a vivid vision about yourself and your soul mate.
A living vision is a detailed description of your relationship with your soulmate as if it already existed.
Write two or three positive affirmations that align with your vision of life. Write them in the first person and in the present tense. Use descriptive language and show your enthusiasm through your choice of words. Be as specific as possible and be sure to include them both.
Don’t worry too much about any of your physical attributes. Focus primarily on how you will feel when you are together and what you will experience when you are together.
Read it at least once a day, either when you wake up or before you go to sleep.
2. Affirm that your soulmate is coming
Once you have completed your life vision, write 2-3 positive affirmations that align with your affirmation. Begin each statement with «I am…» and then fill in the blank.
Make sure each statement is what you DO want, and not what you don’t want. You must affirm with positivity and always be very clear about it.
For example, say something like «I am attracting the man of my dreams, my soulmate and my partner for life» instead of «I no longer attract men who are not available«. Always focus on the positive.
If you want, you can also write them on post-its and put them at home, in your car, and anywhere else you spend a lot of time.
3. Create a soulmate vision board
It is important have visuals that help the brain align with the reality it is creatingso creating a soulmate vision board is the next essential step.
If you’re not familiar with what a vision board is, it’s a physical representation of your most sincere dreamsusing pictures and words. Many people create them on poster board and hang them somewhere they will see them on a daily basis.
Again, be specific. All that’s on your vision board it should activate feelings of joy and anticipation for what is to come.
4. Have a heart-to-heart and soul-to-soul meditation with your soulmate
Sit in a quiet and comfortable place. Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly.
In the silence of your mind, call on your loved one to meet you and connect heart to heart, soul to soul. Do this for at least 10 minutes in the morning.
Or do your best whenever you can to make that connection. Feel the immense love and energy in every cell of your being.
5. Write in a journal for your soulmate.
There are two approaches you can take to this: either you can write a letter to your soul mate, sharing everything you
you want them to know about how much you love them or why you love them. Or you can write entries that are descriptions of the day you spent together.
Either way, it’s another powerful way to connect with your energy.
If you follow these steps on how to find your soulmate as part of your daily routine, you will begin to witness major changes in your thoughts and perspectives.
And, in the midst of all of this, make sure you stand firm knowing that the two of you are safely bonding. It is and it will be done! Preparing your heart and mind for your soulmate relationship is one of the gifts of «singlehood.»
As you call on your loved one, you can do the precious work on your own heart to ensure that the next relationship you enter into is better than the last.
You are capable of great love. But to get it, you have to be.