Feng Shui plays an increasingly important role in interior design and is said to increase happiness even in small bedrooms.
Security, well -being, positive energy: since the pandemic of the Covid-19, the demand on home itself has increased. Where the size of the rooms was the one that used to determine the happiness of living, now sustainability, well -being and a healthy balance between working and personal life are in the foreground, regardless of the square meters. Living is more and more perceived as a holistic field of life that must reflect both emotional needs and appreciation for the environment. That is why it is not surprising that Feng Shui plays an increasingly important role in interior design, since the system of configuring the environment in harmony with the natural world meets needs. «From the pandemic, people pay attention to the effect that their environment has on their mental and emotional health, so they seek answers on how to create a vibrant and cozy environment in which they feel safe and happy,» explains Feng Shui Marie Diamond's expert. The square meters do not matter: to increase positive energy and happiness in a small space, you just have to observe the following basic rules.
1. Formulates clear objectives
What motivates the search for harmony with the environment? What should Feng Shui get in the environment itself? To answer these questions, Marie Diamond advises to make a kind of inventory of life itself, from health to relationships and our own image, a so -called «life review» that illuminates problematic areas. Only in this way can concrete objectives and clear visions for the future be created: perspectives on which a good feng shui is based. The home also sometimes benefits from an «inventory,» says Diamond: «We spend so much time between our four walls that our view is often blind to the disorder, disorder and unfinished renewal projects that surround us, especially in small bedrooms, where every square meter is valuable, it is important to have an overall vision.» Marie Diamond's advice? House leave more often and explore your own home with a fresh look, as if it were your first visit. What problematic areas are attracting attention? What to change, eliminate or repair? This inventory is the basis of a good feng shui in a small space: «It is no use drift, rearranging furniture or hanging pictures. Personal motivation behind the design concept must be correct. That is the nucleus of Feng Shui.»
2. (re) defines the areas of life
Other Basic Feng Shui rule It is that the different areas of life must be separated to maintain an energy balance. But how to create several areas, for example for family, creativity or the couple, in a small space? Here it is important to break the traditional concepts of life with their classic descriptions, such as bedrooms or children's rooms, and instead open rooms for certain characteristics and assign complementary functions. This creates mental and physical space for a reinterpretation of the environment: a change of perspective that can have a great effect, especially in small departments. To avoid a fusion of the different energies, Diamond advises a clear separation of the rooms for the eye and the mind: Biombos, curtains and carpets can emphasize and delimit certain areas of being. Storage systems allow to save work materials and other daily needs. The chairs with high backs offer visual and mental protection, while the essences draw mental limits: it is said that the aromas of pine and mint, for example, favor mental concentration, while lavender has a cleansing and relaxing effect. «With simple tools, you can preserve the energy of an area in small spaces and ensure that it fulfills its function,» says Diamond.