Do you see your dog throwing up or suddenly suffering from diarrhea?
Of course you want to help your furry friend and help her get better quickly.
In this post you will learn which home remedies you can use to help your dog with gastrointestinal problems.
Gastrointestinal problems in dogs – 5 home remedies that help
With a few home remedies such as a bland diet, chamomile tea or yoghurt, you can help your dog with gastrointestinal problems.
Plain yoghurt is good for supporting your dog’s intestines.
If your dog has digestive problems, sufficient liquid is very important. Your dog should therefore drink plenty of water.
Chamomile tea is also a good home remedy if your dog has gastrointestinal problems.
It is important that you protect your dog’s sensitive digestive system. This works well with so-called light diet and high-fiber food.
If your dog has gastrointestinal problems, this does not always have to cause you great concern. There can be many triggers for your dog to vomit or have diarrhea.
Symptoms such as loss of appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea indicate gastrointestinal problems.
But refusal to drink water and weight loss can also be related to poor digestion.
light food
If your dog has gastrointestinal problems, you can help him with a bland diet as a home remedy.
Bland food is an easy-to-digest meal that doesn’t put as much strain on the digestive tract.
So you can your dog boiled rice with boiled chicken and offer boiled carrots. Lean beef or boiled potatoes are also easily digestible.
You can also help your dog with gastrointestinal problems with a home remedy with a porridge made from oatmeal. Cottage cheese is also said to help settle the stomach.
You should not give your dog spicy or greasy foods during this time.
You can also support your dog’s digestion with a high-fiber diet.
Especially if your dog suffers from constipation, you can offer him cooked vegetables.
are suitable Pumpkin, potatoes and carrots. You can mix this in small pieces or as a puree with his food.
Many dog owners also rely on carrot soup. This should help that harmful bacteria can be excreted from the intestine more quickly.
A lot of fiber is very digestive. With their high water-binding capacity, they can help to increase intestinal activity.
If your dog doesn’t have a problem with lactose, you can also give him yoghurt as a home remedy for gastrointestinal problems.
Yoghurt has a probiotic effect and can have a positive effect on the intestinal flora of your furry friend.
It is important that you only use natural yoghurt.
Good to know
Even if your dog doesn’t have any acute gastrointestinal problems, you can give him a spoonful or two of yogurt over his food to ensure a healthy intestinal flora.
Always make sure that you unsweetened natural yoghurt use.
Camomile tea
You can also offer your dog chamomile tea as a home remedy for gastrointestinal problems.
Prepare the tea as usual and let it cool down.
Chamomile tea can help soothe the digestive system. If your dog isn’t a fan of chamomile tea, you can add small amounts of it to his food.
If your dog has gastrointestinal problems, he should drink plenty of fluids. The simplest home remedy is therefore to offer him plenty of water.
Because the body loses a lot of water through diarrhea. A limp dog also tends to drink too little.
Therefore, you should actively encourage your dog to drink more.
If your dog refuses to drink, you can flavor his water as well. You can spread a piece of cooked chicken in it or give your dog plenty of water over his food.
Home remedies don’t help – what else can I do if my dog has gastrointestinal problems?
If none of the home remedies help your dog with gastrointestinal problems, you can get different ones from the vet probiotic food supplements recommend.
These food supplements contain live microorganisms that can help rebalance your dog’s intestinal flora.
When should I go to the vet?
In the case of severe or long-lasting gastrointestinal problems, you should always consult your veterinarian.
Home remedies can help your dog with gastrointestinal problems, but they are not a substitute for a veterinary examination.
Based on the symptoms and further examinations, they can make a diagnosis and show the optimal treatment method for your dog.
Digestive problems can also be caused by allergies, parasites or poisoning.
In addition, your dog may have swallowed a foreign object that is causing a constipation.
So if you’re not sure what’s causing your dog’s gastrointestinal issues, it’s a good idea to have them checked out by your veterinarian.
If your dog has gastrointestinal problems, it is important that you keep a close eye on him during this time.
Problems like diarrhea and vomiting can lead to high fluid loss.
Persistent constipation can also cause intestinal obstruction.
Long-term gastrointestinal problems can cause your dog to suffer from numerous other organ damage and reduce quality of life.
Does your dog have frequent gastrointestinal problems? Let us know how you help him then.