What a real one guard dog wants to be, of course he has to survive and thrive can if he does not come into the warm room every evening.
Above all herding dogs are perfectly equipped for keeping them outside the homewhat you fur dress concerning. Her independent character also supports this.
Many a dog prefers to live in the garden if it has a sheltered spot there than inside a house or apartment where there is not even enough space for its turning circle.
Our list of dog breeds that can live outside:
1. Alaskan Malamute
Robust, loyal and hardworking are these strengthen dogs with her dense fur dress. It’s better for him to live away from home than in an overheated living room. Provided he has space.
The industrious Northern Lights with your strong will are as well intelligent how strong. Eventually they became bred to pull heavy loads over long distances.
2.American Foxhound
The goal of their breeding efforts was a rather smaller, fearless and especially more quickly as well as more maneuverable dog for them hunt.
In rural areas with large garden he feels most comfortable. Living in an apartment and jogging comfortably through the city park for just half an hour a day will never do justice to his energy level!
3. Australian Cattle Dog
He is a prime example for one independent working dogthe faithful stands by its owner knows his duties and this unconditionally Fulfills.
He is happy in his home country very popular with families with a tendency to long and active sporty stays in the great outdoors. There he is in his element. His upbringing isn’t easy, because he needs to know exactly who is the alpha among you!
4. Bernese Mountain Dog
They always were already bred for itoutside of the house to watch over the herds And thereby to keep an eye on the yardif he was near the pasture.
Her thick fur protects them sudden weather changes in high regions of the Alps and be easy-going nature keeps his protégés together calmly. Only when there is imminent danger does he throw himself into his stately pose and claim his territory!
5. Irish Wolfhound
This energetic runner belong to the largest breeds almost a meter tall at the shoulder. More and more families are discovering her gentle nature, despite her impressive stature.
She need a lot of space and are in with it much better off in a large garden than in a cramped apartment. If necessary, they can their urge to move then also completely give in alone and are not dependent on just accompanying you while jogging!