They are not underweightthey are naturally slim to almost bony thin. You’re probably thinking at first Afghan Houndsbecause they are known for it.
Which Greyhound breeds and similar dog breeds there are others, we have put them together for you here.
If you are interested in these breeds, be warned, they need their fast and sometimes long runs and you have to train properly with these very independent creatures!
The most skinny dog breeds can also be found among the fastest dogs of the world!
These 5 might impress you:
1. Saluki
He has one rush instinctwho from his breeding as hunting dog results, although he is very much in the family playful and affectionate can show.
In the great outdoors you should give him the opportunity long and fast runs not deny. It is also used as a racing dog in Bedouin regions and cuts a very streamlined figure, especially with long hair.
2. Greyhound
Up to 80 km/h top speed he is always in the front ranks in dog races. Unfortunately, he is mainly bred for this.
His Family he meets loving and affectionate. The short fur makes the Care rather undemanding and it can also be kept in dwellings if the Don’t miss out on the run!
3. Whippet
He was considered as Greyhound of the poor people in England and helped bring meat to the table. As rushing hunter he has above all Rabbits adjusted.
The extremely thin fur hardly protects him from the cold in winter, which makes dog clothing essential in our latitudes. Within a family, he is calm and frugal when the attention is right and his instincts are taken into account.
4. Azawakh
The Azawakh is the Greyhound of the Tuaregs of North Africa and performs his duties at Guarding the herds and also rushing on the hunt.
The extremely short and thin fur over his delicate build makes him one too elegant companion. With appropriate exercise options, it is also happy to adapt to sports-active families.
5. Borzoi
The rather long haired russian greyhound he is pleased increasing popularitybecause he himself in families as very affectionate and affectionate proves.
Since he is next to it too an independent and self-confident being has is his education is not easy. In addition to a consistently loving hand needs to be fur daily care.
He should not be kept in city apartments, because he can hardly follow his urge to move there.
He lines up also under the fastest dog breeds the world!