[ 5 Diosas del Amor ❤️ ] The 5 best-known Goddesses of love

These are some goddesses of love, beauty (or attraction), promiscuity, fertility, magic and an association with death. One of the most important mysteries for humanity is that of birth. Fertility and sexual attraction are key elements in the survival of a family or race.

The Goddesses of love are represented in all ancient cultures. They have numerous different facets that reflect mainstream society's views on love, sexuality and marriage.

Although they are described as goddesses of great beauty, many went beyond the point of young maidens, crossing the threshold into marriage and motherhood.

For most of these goddesses, their beauty did not prove to be a fairy tale happy ending as they encountered many difficulties in their marital relationships.

Next we are going to talk about the five best-known goddesses of love.

Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love

Aphrodite is the most commonly known goddess of love. She is also the goddess of beauty and sex. The most popular version of its creation is that it was formed from sea foam, which was created when the severed body of Ouranus was thrown into the sea. She came ashore on the island of Cyprus, there she was found by the three graces.

Aphrodite the Greek goddess of lovewas married to the ugliest of the gods, the wounded blacksmith Hephaestus. He had many affairs with men, both human and divine. Eros, Anteros, Hymenaios and Aeneas are some of his sons.

Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of love

One of the most popular and enduring Egyptian love goddessesHathor was mentioned as early as the Second Dynasty (2890-2686 BC) and perhaps even before that. This goddess of love took on a number of roles, including spells as the goddess of love, beauty, mining, and music. The eye of Ra was what led to her most interesting stories.

He was one of the most important and popular deities in all of ancient Egypt, worshiped by both royalty and common people. In tomb paintings, she is often depicted welcoming the dead to the next life.

In other roles, she is a goddess of music, dance, foreign lands, and fertility. She is believed to help women in childbirth and is the patron goddess of joy, celebration and love.

Hathor was commonly associated with Aphrodite by the Greeks and with Venus by the Romans. This goddess of love is, since early times, associated with women and women's health in body and mind.

Venus, Roman goddess of love

Venus belongs to the most important Roman gods that existed. I also know known as the goddess of love, beauty and fertility, Known in Greek mythology as Aphrodite, she was in turn associated with the goddess Astarte of the Phoenicians.

This goddess of love played a very significant role in the festivals and religious myths of Rome, also as the goddess of gardens and fields, because where she walks life emerges, plants grow and flowers bloom.

This Roman goddess of love was not only known for her beauty and infidelities, but also for her anger and curses when someone offended her or did not honor her.

In the celebrations of worship of Venus, pleasures and excesses overflowed, considering them obscene. For these reasons, sexually transmitted diseases are given the term venereal diseases.

Rati, Hindu goddess of love

This goddess of love was best known as the wife of Kama, the god of love, this Hindu goddess plays an important role in love and lust in Hinduism. With a series of names, most of which speak of her immense beauty, it is obvious that Rati would be the goddess of desire.

This goddess of love's biggest claim to fame was successfully changing the mind of Shiva. The destroyer who had sworn ascetics after the death of his first wife had been forced to fall in love again. In revenge, he killed Kama and turned him into ashes with his third eye.

The best-known version of the story has Rati persuading Shiva to revive her husband, with the warning that kama will be invisible for all eternity.

Freya, Nordic goddess of love

Freya the Norse goddess of love, «Freya» which translates as «lady», had several roles in the Norse belief system. In addition to the goddess of love, she was the queen of Folkvangr, a place similar to Valhalla, where half of those who died in battle would go after death.

However, unlike most of the other deities on this list, this goddess of love, He had a bad side, full of greed, jealousy and evil acts. Among other things, he is credited with teaching witchcraft to humans, an evil practice by the Norse.

The preferred means of transportation for this goddess of love was a cart pulled by cats. This goddess constantly searched the Earth for her husband, who from time to time disappeared, crying tears of red gold.

Oshun, goddess of Yoruba love

The goddess of beauty and love, especially of the erotic kind. Oshun is extremely popular among West African followers of the Yoruba religion.

Recognized for her beauty, this goddess of love is usually depicted as a jeweled woman, although she is sometimes shown as a mermaid. Due to its reputation for complete purity, Oshun is also often associated with fresh water, an extremely important resource for the people of West Africa.

In addition, this goddess of love also protects women and children during childbirth and is also seen as a protector from diseases, especially smallpox.

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