Liver diseases in dogs can mainly occur in older and/or overweight dogs.
This is usually referred to as diabetes mellitus. On which Identify symptoms of diabetes in your dog the following guide will tell you.
We also tell you what treatment options are available for diabetes in dogs.
Diabetes symptoms in dogs: what are the typical signs?
Some of the signs you can use to identify diabetes in dogs include food cravings accompanied by weight loss and increased urination.
This is usually due to an associated strong need to drink.
We will now take a close look at why these signs of diabetes occur and what other symptoms you can use to recognize diabetes in dogs.
Diabetes is also known as diabetes. Sugar, on the other hand, may be unhealthy, but it is also an important source of energy.
Two organs play a crucial role in diabetes: the pancreas and the liver.
The pancreas is responsible for insulin production. Insulin, in turn, ensures that sugar gets into the cells.
If the insulin level is too low, the sugar remains in the blood, affecting the liver, among other things.
Now a long-term blood sugar develops. The problem for the dog: it can’t get this sugar, so it doesn’t get any energy either.
He only gets this by falling into ravenous hunger attacks and only eating – and that at a frightening and frantic pace.
This does not always result in obesity, but can also result in weight loss.
Despite the dog’s cravings, this does not mean that the energy stores are automatically replenished.
Another symptom of diabetes in dogs is listlessness. The fur nose no longer has any energy, it becomes weaker, more tired and thinner.
Dull fur
Dull and brittle fur can also be another sign that the dog has diabetes.
And that’s hardly surprising, since diabetes causes a metabolic disorder that can spread to many areas of the body.
Stop drinking and urinating excessively
If the blood sugar level is significantly too high, this excess sugar is released through the urine, but not into the organism.
The excretion of sugar is associated with a high loss of water – not only when urinating. That is why a diabetic dog drinks significantly more water.
Another sign of diabetes in dogs is urine, which smells very sweet.
Our tip
You can get diabetes tests from your vet, which you can use at home to check your dog’s urine for high levels of sugar.
lens opacity
If a dog has diabetes, it also affects the eyes. This can lead to clouding of the lens, a so-called cataract.
This in turn can lead to complete blindness in the dog.
When should I go to the vet and what are the treatment options for diabetes in dogs?
If you suspect that the dog has diabetes based on the symptoms mentioned, a diagnosis will be made Examination of the liver values by the veterinarian.
Under no circumstances should you hesitate with the visit and the associated blood test. Because diabetes can have a lasting effect on quality of life and expectations.
Diabetes in dogs is also diagnosed by examining a urine sample. You can already collect such a sample in your own four walls.
If this is not possible, the veterinarian can take some urine from the dog’s bladder using an ultrasound and a syringe.
Already knew?
Some dog breeds have an increased risk of developing diabetes. These include the Samoyed, the Golden Retriever and the Chow-Chow.
If diabetes is definitely present, there are different therapeutic approaches, which are usually linked, including medication and nutrition.
Diabetes in dogs can be treated with medication.
There are three different types of insulin: Altinsulin, intermediate insulin and long-acting insulin.
There are also so-called antidiabetics, which are usually administered intravenously, since oral administration has little effect.
Poor diet can be a trigger for diabetes.
And not only because the dog got too much, but also because the food has the wrong composition.
A change in diet is therefore part of diabetic therapy in dogs. The new feed now contains a higher proportion of crude fiber.
Fats and carbohydrates, which are difficult to digest and are ultimately nothing more than sugar, are missing.
For several years there have been various special foods that are tailored to the needs of dogs with diabetes – both as dry and wet food.
Obesity is one of the most common causes of diabetes in dogs. It is therefore important to train off the additional grams or kilos as quickly as possible.
Nothing is more suitable for this than sufficient exercise in the form of walks or dog sports.
Regular checks
Once a dog has diabetes, there is no way around regular check-ups.
In these, the liver and pancreas values are checked as well as the blood sugar values.
Does your dog have diabetes and if so, what caused it? We thank you if you like to share his story with us in the comments.