Dogs are small or large bundles of energy that can get really cranky when they go for a walk.
Exhaustion after so much play and fun is completely normal. But what if the dog calmer than usual is, maybe even listless when going for a walk?
In the following guide we will explain what causes this can be.
Causes: Why is my dog calmer than usual?
There are various reasons why your dog feels calmer all of a sudden. these can related to a wide variety of factors. We will now look at these in more detail.
1. Attitude & Upbringing
Yes, you read correctly. The attitude and upbringing play a key role in how lively or calm your dog is. Of course plays in some cases race also plays a role.
After all, there are dogs that are naturally hyper and those that are naturally quiet.
For example, if you have a bundle of energy, it wants to be sufficiently occupied and moved.
Is the After the day’s sport, your dog is tired and sleeps a lot. It is also possible that a quiet dog has overdone it and exhausted itself.
It’s up to you Know your dog’s exercise needs and to act accordingly.
It is the same your responsibilityby a consistent training to show even the liveliest dog limitsso that he doesn’t overdo it when he goes for a walk and the like.
2. Nutrition
Food is energy – or supplies it to the dog’s body. It is important that the Nutrition tailored to the needs of your dog is.
Because important minerals and nutrients as well as trace elements are missing here, this affects the organism
Not only indigestion, allergies and food intolerance can be the result.
A dog that is apathetic but eats can also be a result of such malnutrition.
3. Health
Last but not least, it can health reasons know why your dog is calmer than usual. Is your dog calmer than usual? Is he apathetic, the appetite is still there but not as pronounced?
Possibly these diseases may be present: A Thyroid disorderone metabolic diseasea infectionone stomach upset or one Disease of an internal organ.
Also tumor diseases can make a dog calm down.
4. Stress
As you may already know, is stress in many cases a trigger for behavioral problems in dogs.
It doesn’t always have to be a chewed ceiling, a licked ear or a permanent marking of your apartment.
Also an increased need for rest can be a way your dog expresses that he is stressed. Because: He is tired and wants to work off the stress and recharge his batteries.
5. age
That too age of the dog plays a role. It is completely normal that young dogs in particular prefer to romp around all day long.
It is also normal if Seniors no longer do this as extensively do. After all, they are no longer the youngest. And they need a lot more rest and sleep – in contrast to the cute youngsters.
How can I help my dog?
Does your dog sleep a lot? Doesn’t it show any other abnormalities? Then keep your fur nose in the next few hours and days please keep an eye on it.
It is possible that he has actually just exhausted himself and needs a little rest.
Is he apathetic but eating? Then you should train your eyes a little closer to your dog. Listlessness can be a first sign of illness.
Good to know:
With your mindfulness you help your dog the most – as well as with a species-appropriate husbandry, upbringing and nutrition. A veterinarian or dog specialist can always support you with all these points.
When should I see a vet?
A visit to the vet is always necessary if the Do not stop symptoms and behavior on your own and in a short time.
Going to the vet is even more urgent if you are tired, apathetic or have an increased need for rest more symptoms to join.
You can get one small checklist in which you go through the following questions, for example:
- Does your dog show behavioral problems, such as aggression?
- Is your dog no longer happy, does it seem sad and exhausted?
- Does he no longer let you touch him, turns away from you?
- Is he vomiting, panting a lot, constipation/diarrhea?
- Does he smell strong or stronger than usual?
Can you tick just one of these questions? please take your dog to the vet immediately!
There doesn’t always have to be a really bad reason behind the symptoms. But only a specialist can really clarify this.
How do dogs behave when they are not feeling well?
On this question there different answers. Because every dog is an individual and therefore has its own way of indicating discomfort.
Yet there is several signswhich can indicate that something is wrong.
Apathy, exhaustion and tiredness are, so to speak, the first really clear signs that your dog is not doing well.
You can also recognize this fact by the following things:
- Your dog withdraws and wants to be left alone
- Your dog won’t let you touch you anymore and will run away from you
- Your dog sometimes shows aggressive behavior because it is suffering from pain
A few more points could be added to this list. But based on these factors, you can already see that your fur nose is not doing well.
If your dog is calmer than usual, they can the factors presented have an influence on it.
It is not always the case that your dog is seriously ill. Sometimes he’s just a little more tired than usual, sleeps a little more and is therefore calmer.
It is important that you take care of your dog always keep a close eye on it. Because especially with a very lively four-legged friend, this behavior is perhaps no longer quite so normal.
What experiences have you already made with your dog and its need for rest? We hope, of course, only those who gave no cause for concern!
Would you like to share them with us in the comments? That pleases not only us, but also all other dog owners.