5 causes & what you can do

If a dog sits strangely, it is often still one young dog. This one still has the typical puppy seat. However, once the dog is fully grown, it should sit normally. This means that all paws point forward.

In this article you will find out why some dogs still sit strangely and crookedly.

My dog ​​sits strangely – health reasons

If a dog sits crookedly, this often has health reasons. These can sometimes be more or less pronounced. For an accurate diagnosis should also look out for other symptoms.

If in doubt, you should always consult a veterinarian to get to the bottom of the matter and long-term postural defects to prevent

1. Back pain

A common reason for a dog to slouch is back problems. These usually occur in the area of spine on. These include herniated discs, injuries or spondylosis.

In addition, the dog develops a touch sensitivity on the back. Whining, weakness, moaning and a relieving posture are other symptoms of back problems.

The treatment is provided by the veterinarian in the form of medication. Physiotherapy has also had good results. In severe cases, an operation is also necessary.

2. Anal gland inflammation

Every dog ​​has anal glands in the anus. When there is a bowel movement via the anal glands secretion separated, which serves to mark the territory. If the anal glands become inflamed, they become blocked, which can be very painful for the dog.

To avoid the pain, choose a lateral sitting position. Anal gland inflammation is a common problem in dogs, especially among the small dog breeds Suffer.

Clogged anal glands will be wary of the vet massagedso that the secretion drains off. Sometimes the administration of antibiotics is necessary.

In addition, one can feed change be helpful to keep the faeces supple and thus prevent constipation.

3. Knee pain

If the dog suffers from knee pain, he also takes one protective posture a. The most common causes of knee pain include a cruciate ligament rupture and a dislocated kneecap.

These are usually caused by too high jumps or accidents. If the cruciate ligament is torn, the dog avoids putting weight on the affected knee. In addition, it is often swollen.

Strain is also avoided if the kneecap is dislocated. As a result, many dogs also tend to Limp.

If knee problems are suspected, the vet be consulted to treat the pain.

4. Arthritis

Around one in five dogs will develop arthritis in the course of their lives. Arthritis is one chronic inflammation the joints.

Large dog breeds such as Bernese Mountain DogsGolden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Rottweiler and the German Shepherd.

Arthritis can be recognized not only by the fact that the dog sits legs apart, but also by limping, avoiding jumps, joint pain, licking the joints and swollen joints.

Unfortunately, an arthritis incurable and only the symptoms can be relieved with medication.

5. Hip pain

Some dogs suffer from hip dysplasia. This means that with them the acetabulum is not properly trained. As a result, when you move, there is friction that causes pain.

Almost 16% of all dog breeds suffer from hip dysplasia, primarily large dog breeds. These include in particular the German Shepherd Dog, Bernese Mountain Dog and the Labrador Retriever.

To recognize hip dysplasia, you should look out for the following additional symptoms such as stiffness, a changed gait, hobbling and avoiding jumps. Many dogs with hip problems also have trouble climbing stairs.

Depending on the cause of hip dysplasia, there are different treatment approaches. She often goes with me medicationphysiotherapy, rest and weight reduction.

Crooked sitting and other symptoms – These are the signs of hip dysplasia

You can recognize hip dysplasia by various symptoms. An important symptom is the crooked seat. Sometimes the dog stretches one leg out to the side prevent pain and have more stability when sitting.

But the crooked seat is not enough as the only symptom to be able to make an accurate diagnosis. Other important symptoms are:

  • Changed gait
  • lameness
  • trouble getting up
  • immobility in the hips
  • inertia
  • Avoiding stairs
  • Avoid jumps
  • Limp
  • muscle breakdown
  • pain in the hip joint

To diagnose hip dysplasia, X-rays prepared. This also allows the severity of the joint disease to be determined.

The most common cause of hip dysplasia is the genetics. However, obesity, excessive stress or hormones can also cause hip dysplasia.

The Correct Seat – Train out the puppy seat

The puppy seat will too frog pose named because it resembles that of a frog. In puppies and young dogs, this seat is perfectly normal.

However, adult dogs should no longer assume this sitting position. Otherwise, long-term postural damage can occur. The right seat promotes back and abdominal muscles and ensures good stability.

When seated correctly, the dog has one straight posture. This means that the back is straight and stretched, the paws point forward and the hind legs are pulled under the body.

Just like humans, dogs can learn to sit properly. For this is a targeted training necessary, where you notice how the dog sits down and gets up again.

If you don’t achieve success on your own, you can always join one dog trainer get to the side. This can support you during training and give you a few tricks so that your dog learns to sit upright.


When a dog is seated correctly, it has an upright posture and its paws are pointing forward. This sitting posture originally had one important function.

If danger threatened, the dog could immediately jump up and run. So he could quickly get out of the dangerous situation flee or attack.

Nowadays, many dogs are no longer exposed to real dangers. This also shows them a careless behavior while sitting. Larger dog breeds in particular tend to have a crooked seat.

Is sitting oddly from time to time a concern?

It depends. When your dog normally has a good sitting posture and now suddenly crooked is usually a sign that something is wrong. Here you should get to the bottom of the cause in more detail in order to be able to treat it accordingly.

If the dog sits like a human, namely crooked and crooked, this is often a sign of idleness. Although they can sit properly, they just slouch on the floor.

It’s just like us People. Although we know how a healthy sitting posture works, we often choose the «comfortable» posture.

Here the dose makes the poison. If your dog only sits oddly from time to time, that’s no reason to worry. However, you should primarily make sure that your dog sits up straight so that it doesn’t get stuck in the long term postural defects develop.


A healthy sitting posture is very important for dogs. It strengthens the back and abdominal muscles and ensures adequate stability.

Dogs that have a lopsided sitting posture often suffer from it health problems such as hip, back and knee problems. Chronic arthritis is also a common trigger for incorrect sitting posture.

Therefore, it is important to identify the cause of the misalignment treated to prevent further health consequences.

What unusual posture does your dog like to adopt?