5 Causes & Solutions (Guide)

dogs lick and clean not as thorough as cats. Still, it’s normal for dogs too a little grooming independently take over.

But what about the following situation and what is behind it: The dog licks its anus?

Find the reasons in the following guide out and what you can do yourself.

Dog licks his anus – how often is normal?

It only happens a few times a day, and not every second that feels like your dog licking its anus? Then that’s completely normal.

And just as normal as the fact that dogs also like to share theirs genitals lick.

5 causes – Why does the dog lick its anus?

It can happen that the anal licking is quite a serious cause has. Let’s take a closer look at the possible reasons behind this behavior.

anal gland inflammation

In the anal gland inflammation It is one of the most common causes of dogs licking their anus more often.

The dog licks its anus and stinks? Then it is very likely that the anal glands are inflamed.

This inflammation occurs when the Anal glands settle in the faeces and can no longer empty because they are blocked are.

The causes for this include among others the wrong food.

Good to know

You can this disease in another typical behavior recognize: The so-called sledding.

Included the dog slides across the floor with its hindquarters. So should the caused by the inflamed anal glands itching relieved become.


Likewise one can allergy be the trigger for a dog constantly licking its anus. This in turn can also have various causes.

Maybe the dog with the butt skidded over grass treated with an allergenic agent became?

Or the Flowerwith whom he has come into contact pollen delivered? The dog licks the base of its tail or its bottom?

Then one can Food intolerance or allergy set the trigger.


Is your dog licking his anus more often? Then you can too parasites the reason be why they do it. Here are not only ectoparasites the culprits.

Also Endoparasites such as worms can cause the dog to constantly lick its bottom.

Why it is like that? worms are excreted in the faeces.

However, it can also happen that some worms dry up on the dog’s anus and cause an itch.

The result: your dog constantly licks its bottom!

Good to know

The bitch constantly licks the anus? Then, in addition to worms, too Fungi or an infection are behind it.

Most of the butt licking is done by increased licking of the genital area accompanied.


Also Diarrhea can be a reason why a dog constantly licks its anus.

Itching can also occur here, namely when the anus becomes sore from the liquid stool and increased defecation.

In addition, the dog may be trying to move itself to clean his butt himself and then just a little more often does.


stress – and every vet will tell you that – is poison for dogs.

And stress, or the attempt to reduce it, can affect our beloved four-legged friends lead to unusual behavior.

This can also include the dog constantly licking its anus. So it is about a compensatory behaviordesigned to relieve stress.

My dog ​​keeps licking his anus – how can I help him?

You can help your dog first by trying to find out the cause of the increased anus licking.

In addition there is some home remedieswhich you can use as first relief when your dog licks its anus.

marigold ointment

Marigolds are considered anti-inflammatory and relieve itching.

You can carefully apply the ointment to the anus. Marigold can also help with anal gland inflammation first relief provide.


Chamomile is a little miracle herbwhich can be used for many ailments.

It is among other things anti-inflammatory and has a calming effect. Accordingly, chamomile can also be used if the dog licks its anus too often.


dreameel is strictly speaking a drug that is used for homeopathy can be counted. It’s purely herbal and another option to reduce anal licking.

Where we are at homeopathy: Also Arnica D5, Tarantula D8 and Silicea D30 (silica) can be used, among other things, for anal gland inflammation.

When should I see a vet?

The walk to vet should be done whenever that Don’t behave within a few days laid again or improved.

Come more symptoms added? Then you should also go straight to the veterinarian.

Because even if some of the home remedies presented here can provide initial relief: expert advice is even more important at this point.


Is your dog licking his anus more often? Then you now know what could be the reason behind it and what you can do about it.

If the behavior does not improve there may be other symptoms added?

Then you should go to yours as soon as possible vet come forward so that he can find out the exact cause.

Has your dog ever licked its butt too often? And if so, what was the reason and what helped?

We’d love for you to share your experiences and tips with us in the comments!