49 dogs with floppy ears | Dog lovers 24

Dogs with long floppy ears do not necessarily have better hearing than other dogs. The long ears make it easier for furry friends to track wild animals. If the dog has its nose on the ground, its ears drag along the ground and swirl up odor particles. This makes it easier for the four-legged hunting assistants to track down the game. That's why floppy ears are a trademark of bloodhounds and tracking dogs.

But other hunting dogs, running dogs or herding dogs can also have long, drooping ears.

All of these four-legged friends are very active and need appropriate exercise and mental stimulation unless they are used as working dogs.

  1. Afghan Hound
  2. Old Danish pointer
  3. American Foxhound
  4. Barbet
  5. Basset Hound
  6. beagle
  7. Bearded Collie
  8. Bergamasco Shepherd Dog
  9. Bolognese
  10. Bracco Italiano
  11. Braque Saint Germain
  12. Braque Francais
  13. Briard
  14. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  15. Clumber Spaniel
  16. cocker spaniel
  17. dachshund
  18. Deerhound
  19. German Wirehaired Pointer
  20. German Quail Dog
  21. Drentse Patrijshond
  22. English Springer Spaniel
  23. Field Spaniels
  24. Gordon Setter
  25. Large Münsterländer
  1. Havanese
  2. Irish setter
  3. Irish Water Spaniel
  4. Irish Wolfhound
  5. Japanese-Chinese
  6. Kyi Leo
  7. Lhasa Apso
  8. Lowchen
  9. Hungarian Vizsla
  10. Maltese
  11. Pekinese
  12. Phalene
  13. pointer
  14. Polish Lowland Herding Dog (PON)
  15. Portuguese Shepherd
  16. Puli
  17. Schapendoes
  18. Shih Tzu
  19. Spinone
  20. Stabyhond
  21. Sussex Spaniel
  22. Tibetan Terrier
  23. Weimaraner
  24. Welsh Springer Spaniel

Afghan Hound

Slim, with high legs and long, thick fur, the greyhounds are an eye-catcher. The breed originally comes from the highlands of the Hindu Kush. It is considered one of the oldest greyhound breeds. You can't tell from their elegant beauty, but these dogs were also used for hunting.

By nature they are calm, friendly and unobtrusive. They quickly get used to other animals in the house or other animals of their own kind. They always radiate calm, dignity and independence. Although Afghans develop a deep relationship with their people, as former lone hunters they are not inclined to blind obedience. Your training must be carried out with a lot of empathy, patience and consistency. In the field they show a clear hunting instinct and should remain on a leash.

The springy gait suggests speed and power. Her long head with floppy ears has a lush, silky head of hair and large eyes. Its prominent hip bones are characteristic.

Old Danish pointer

The medium-sized, muscular dogs are typical bloodhounds and are often used for hunting. Thanks to their good nose and floppy ears, these four-legged friends have been used more and more in recent years to detect ammunition or drugs.

The furry friends are always calm and relaxed. They get along well with other dogs. Since they are very child-friendly, they make a good family dog. They adapt to different husbandry conditions.

The female dogs of this breed are considered to be brighter and more attentive than their male counterparts.

Their fur is short and dense. The white coat is decorated with many small or larger brown dots.

American Foxhound

The breed comes from America and is almost unknown in Europe. The passion of these furry friends is hunting. They prefer to work in a pack. They were bred as hunting dogs in the 17th century. Her specialty was hunting red foxes.

The floppy ears, an easy-care short coat, and a gentle look make the hearts of many dog ​​lovers beat faster. However, the Foxhound places some demands on its owner. He has an extremely high urge to move and hunt. He feels most comfortable in a pack of dogs. A life as an only dog ​​is not for him. Therefore, he is only partially suitable as a family dog.


The large fuzzy dogs with floppy ears come from the coastal regions of France. There they guarded the house and farm and accompanied their owners on hunts. Here the so-called “water dogs” made a name for themselves for hunting waterfowl.

The dogs are friendly, smart and affectionate. If you put your Barbet to good use, you will have a loyal companion and wonderful family dog. Barbets are available for all activities.

Consistency is required when raising him. The clever furry friends know how to wrap their humans around their fingers.

The wavy, long head of hair is easy to maintain, even if it doesn't look like it. Brushing once a week is enough.

Basset Hound

Who doesn't know the typical basset look, framed by two long floppy ears! These ears make the already long face look even longer.

The short-legged fellows with a cheerful nature originally come from France. They have a long back and are relatively massively built. They are not fast runners, but they pursue game tracks reliably and persistently through even the thickest undergrowth.

The dogs are friendly and relaxed. Other dogs or cats cannot disturb them. In the family they are loyal, affectionate and child-friendly. A basset hound will never become aggressive. A certain amount of stubbornness is to be expected in daily interactions.


Beagles are medium-sized dogs that need a lot of exercise. They are available in either three colors or two colors. Breeders attach particular importance to ensuring that the tip of the tail is white. The breed is known for its rounded floppy ears and beautiful bark. They use this to show their hunter where they are when they are independently tracking a game. This independence can quickly cause problems when it comes to raising children. Patience and loving consistency are required here. Particular emphasis must be placed on recall training for this fast hunter. Otherwise the walk will quickly end in a search for the furry friend. The little bundles of energy are affectionate and intelligent.

Bearded Collie

These charming herding dogs come from Scotland. They once helped the local shepherds guard their flocks of sheep. It is now rare to find a Bearded Collie doing herding work. They are mostly kept as companion or family dogs. They are active, cheerful, sensitive and very intelligent family members. It is important to them to please their people. Despite all the exuberance, they always remain calm. When raising them, calm and gentle tones should prevail.

Their floppy ears completely disappear under the long fur that covers their entire body.

To prevent the lush fur from clumping together, it should be brushed once a week.

Bergamasco Shepherd Dog

Matted, rustic shaggy fur and floppy ears characterize this medium-sized breed. It comes from the Italian Alps. The Bergamascos were and are reliable herding dogs. As a family dog, the furry friends build a strong bond with their people. Uncomplicated, child-friendly and simply lovable, the four-legged friends enjoy family life. They want to be there always and everywhere. Being alone doesn't suit them at all.

Although a Bergamasco likes to question his human's commands, he is easy to train. The intelligent animals, bred to act independently, learn quickly.

The entire abdomen is covered by villi, which consist of matted top hair and undercoat. The hair on the shoulders, head and tail is unmatted. Here it should be brushed weekly.


The small bundles of fur with floppy ears are ideal companion dogs. With their cheerful, open-minded nature, they spread happiness and a good mood. Bolognese are not lap dogs in the strictest sense. They are quite active, playful and love long walks as well as a long cuddle on the sofa. By nature they are uncomplicated and easy to train.

Bolognese are very affectionate and want to be with their people all the time. They get along well with other pets and cats.

The white, curly coat should be brushed every other day. Otherwise it will quickly become matted.

Bracco Italiano

The strong but athletically built dogs with the typical floppy ears are descended from Molossians and Arabian-African greyhounds. As a hunting dog, he specialized in bird hunting. It is still often used for hunting today. If Bracco Italianos live as family dogs and have no opportunity to hunt, the active furry friends definitely need a balance. Various dog sports are available.

In the family they are calm and balanced.

The coat is short and dense and therefore easy to care for; occasional brushing is enough. The dogs enjoy being massaged with a grooming glove.

Braque Saint Germain

Until before the First World War, the dogs were popular pointers. They are large and muscular, with rounded, floppy ears that are not too long. Her specialty was and is hunting game birds.

Today the fur noses are often found as family dogs. Your balanced, pleasant nature makes it possible. However, it must be ensured that the dogs can live out their great need for exercise and are also mentally occupied.

When it comes to upbringing, loving consistency leads to the goal most quickly. The breed is too sensitive for strict commands.

The short, close-fitting coat does not require much care. Brushing every now and then is enough.

Braque Francais

These large Bracken come, as the name suggests, from France. Like all Bracken, they also have floppy ears. The dogs are muscular, slim and relatively long-legged. As hunting dogs they were and are mainly used as pointers. With a lot of perseverance, they safely follow a trail for several hours.

As family dogs, the furry friends are gentle and good-natured. They get along well with other dogs and other pets. It is important that the dogs can live out their enormous need for exercise. Only then will you be relaxed and balanced.

The short coat is easy to care for. It rarely needs brushing.


The Briard is a very old French herding dog breed. Although the fur noses are now kept almost exclusively as family dogs, the dogs have retained many of their herding qualities. They are intelligent, friendly, independent and alert. They prefer to keep their family together. If a family member is missing, they become restless. It's particularly bad for furry friends when they have to stay alone.

A Briard needs a lot of exercise and activity. He belongs to an active family. Then he is a balanced comrade.

A Briard is an imposing figure, large, muscular, with long, twisted fur and short floppy ears. A special feature is its double dewclaws.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This breed has long, floppy ears that are set very high and have plenty of hair. The fur on the entire body is long and wavy. The animals belong to the miniature spaniels and are kept as companion or family dogs. They are loyal, affectionate…