41 Large Black Dog Breeds | With pictures [2024] –

You've probably noticed in everyday life that large black dogs are relatively rare compared to other coat colors. Not true?

The statistics from animal shelters also confirm this. Since black dogs are generally adopted much less often, many also speak of “black dog syndrome”. [1]

To find these breeds in a different size, you can use the overview below. Simply click on the respective image:

Only the large black dog breeds are listed below. Many of them are also available with other fur colors. So don't be surprised.

>> Our top recommendations

#1 Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is a difficult to train, large black dog. His nature is alert and independent. The four-legged friend has a lot of fur and was previously used as a hunting dog. [2]

Some of the large greyhounds can live up to 15 years old. On average, they are as fast as professional racehorses. This demanding dog is less suitable for first-time owners.

Fun fact: Caution! The hair of these dogs naturally has such volume and shine that as a dog owner you can quickly become jealous.

#2 Borzoi

The Borzoi comes from Russia and is one of the large, black dog breeds. The four-legged friend sheds a lot, has a strong hunting instinct and rarely barks. [3]

The borzoi's coat is very functional: it protects the dog from heat in summer and from cold in winter. Borzois are sensitive animals that only tolerate criticism cautiously.

Fun fact: These dogs are considered real “glamor girls” in their Russian homeland. They are therefore very often used as dog models.

#3 Beauceron

The Beauceron is a French sheepdog and guard dog. The large, black dog can grow up to 70 cm high and weigh 50 kg. He is versatile and obedient.

The four-legged friend is one of the few dogs that can also be kept outside. Nevertheless, he is of course happy about human contact and attention. [4]

Fun fact: Although these four-legged friends have waterproof fur, they are quite afraid of water and like to retreat to their basket when it rains.

#4 Bergamasco Shepherd Dog

The Bergamasque Shepherd Dog comes from Italy. The black, large dog breed is known for its natural dreadlocks. The large German Shepherd is alert and determined.

The four-legged friend gets along well with children and strange dogs. He has a weak hunting instinct and requires a moderate amount of exercise. It is not suitable for apartment life. [5]

Fun fact: With this dog you can safely save yourself the daily brushing. You would only make the tangles worse.

#5 Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a hairy, black, large dog. The four-legged friend has a loyal and good-natured nature. It weighs up to 50 kg and usually only lives 6 – 9 years. [6]

The dogs are very friendly towards children. The former working dogs are among the top 25 most popular dog breeds and are often kept as family dogs.

Fun fact: As a dog owner of a Bernese Mountain Dog, you should invest in a high-quality vacuum cleaner, because the four-legged friends shed so much that you would otherwise get lost under the tufts of fur.

#6 Black and Tan Coonhound

This large black dog breed from the USA was bred as a tracking dog for hunting. The four-legged friends are easy to train and need a lot of exercise. [7]

Due to their hunting instinct, four-legged friends should be kept on a leash everywhere. They are partially suitable for the apartment. However, these dogs feel most comfortable in the countryside.

Fun fact: A) “Police station, hello.” B) “Hello, you definitely have to come over. There must be wolves in the area.” A) “Not again! The Black and Tan Coonhound three doors down must have been left alone again.”

#7 Border Collie

The Border Collie from England is one of the top 35 most popular dog breeds worldwide. The large, black dog is alert, energetic and curious. He also learns quickly.

In the past he was primarily used as a herding dog. Today he is very popular as a family dog. But many people forget that this collie likes to guard everything that moves.

Fun fact: Can you remember 1000 different objects? – The Border Collie “Chaser” can do it and therefore holds the canine world record. [8]

#8 Bouvier des Flandres

This intelligent large dog is black and sheds little. It is a German Shepherd dog and comes from Belgium. The four-legged friend is brave and protective.

He is ideal as a guard dog. With a height of 68 cm, the four-legged friend is large, fast and persistent. He needs a lot of training and early socialization, but learns quickly. [9]

Fun fact: When it comes to Bouvier des Flandres, you should always have a mop handy, because the four-legged friend is a walking sponge. His beard regularly soaks up water, which he then distributes throughout your apartment.

#9 Briard

The intelligent Briard comes from France. The large black dog was bred as a guard and shepherd dog. He is protective, territorial and barks happily. [10]

Strangers are not liked by this fearless four-legged friend. In general, this dog needs strict training because it is very self-confident. Beginners can handle it.

Fun fact: Briards have two faces. On the one hand, it is the most beloved dog in the world when it comes to confidants. On the other hand, towards strangers, he turns out to be an aggressive dog monster.

#10 Ca de Bestiary

Mario Agresta, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

This four-legged friend comes from Mallorca. The former guard and farm dog is large and black. He has a strong protective instinct and barks a lot. [11]

This four-legged friend is very rare internationally. He is moderately trainable and has a weak hunting instinct. The large, active dog is not suitable for the apartment.

Fun fact: Even on Wikipedia it is written that these dogs were not bred for beauty purposes. Their “rough appearance” is said to make them even better guard dogs.

#11 Cane Corso Italiano

The Cane Corso Italiano is a black, large dog with a muscular build. The four-legged friends weigh up to 50 kg and are very strong. They are easy to train. [12]

They are extroverted in nature, with a very strong hunting instinct. They need a lot of exercise and are not suitable for apartments or first-time owners.

Fun fact: With this dog near you, you can really feel safe. The four-legged friends are so strong that they were once even used to protect against lions.

#12 Cao da Serra de Aires

This black dog breed is large and comes from Portugal. Shepherd dogs are also known as “monkey dogs”. They are not suitable for the apartment. [13]

The submissive animals get along well with children and other dogs. They are therefore also suitable for seniors. Four-legged friends are happiest when they are kept busy.

Fun fact: Just a few months after birth, the fur on these dogs' faces is so long that their eyes are completely covered.

#13 Chodsky Pes

The Chodský Pes is a long-haired German Shepherd from the Czech Republic. The four-legged friend is easy to train, sheds a lot and has a weak hunting instinct. He is active and loyal. [14]

When fully grown, this animal weighs around 20 kg. The dog is ideal for active families and needs plenty of exercise and activity. A garden to run around in is ideal here.

Fun fact: If you already have pets, this large black dog is an ideal additional dog. The four-legged friend not only loves the attention of his people, but also likes to receive that of other pets.

#14 Curly Coated Retriever

This four-legged friend is a large, black dog with a sensitive, clever nature. The English four-legged friend was bred as a hunting dog for land and waterfowl. [15]

He is also great as a family dog. He loves children and is very trainable for first-time owners. Its thick, curly coat is easy to care for and hardly needs brushing.

Fun fact: Curly Coated Retrievers are one of the 7 types of retriever and are playful and young-at-heart dogs well into old age.

#15 Great Dane

The Great Dane is a large, black dog with a reserved, submissive nature. She is moderately easy to train and sheds a lot. [16]

The Great Dane is one of the largest dog breeds in the world. She was bred as a hunting dog. Today she is popular as a family dog ​​because she is very people-oriented and friendly.

Fun fact: Can you only cuddle with small dogs? None. Great Danes are true lap dogs in character. It's too bad that after just one year they weigh around 50 kg…

#16 German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most obedient large black dog breeds in the world. The beautiful animal with pointed ears is available in 11 official coat colors. [17]

The four-legged friend is one of the most intelligent and popular dogs. It is robust, copes well with the cold and is easy to train. He needs a lot of exercise and barks a lot.

Fun fact: In 1920, Switzerland held the first official dog training. All the four-legged friends there happened to be the popular German Shepherds.

#17 Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman comes from Germany and is a large black dog with short fur. The dog barks little, needs a moderate amount of exercise and has a weak hunting instinct.

This four-legged friend is very popular as a dog breed. He is intelligent and trains very well. Although the Doberman is self-confident, he reacts sensitively to criticism. [18]

Fun fact: Dobermans with their cropped erect ears and stubby tail are said to look dangerous. There's just one small catch – winter. Since Dobermans have very little body fat, they immediately start to shiver in the winter if they don't wear a winter coat.

#18 Fila Brasileiro

The Fila Brasileiro is a black, large dog breed with a gentle, fearless nature. The heavy animals were bred as working and sniffer dogs. [19]

Since the four-legged friend is classified as aggressive, it is banned in many countries. It should not be left in the hands of beginners and requires early, consistent socialization.

Fun fact: This breed was also used to track fugitive slaves. When the animals caught up with the escapees, they bit into their buttocks to hold them in place. Ouch!

#19 Flat Coated Retriever

The friendly Flat Coated Retriever from England is a former hunting dog. Today the large, black dog is very popular as a family dog. He is loyal and peaceful.

Among the retrievers, this specimen has…