4 tips to stop being a shy person – Online Psychologists

The way we behave can sometimes surprise. So much so that many people criticize and focus on the negative aspects. It is such an unfortunate aspect that many people, regardless of age, end up having issues of self-confidence, shame and self-assurance.

It is very sad that people miss out on the opportunities that life offers them because of shyness. Leaving this characteristic behind is a process that begins with oneself.is carried out within each person. And overcome it It takes a lot of timesince it is not achieved overnight.

It is possible that the social group Of the shy people, the most misunderstood by society And although it may seem like an absurd problem, it can condition throughout a lifetime if not resolved.

Shyness is a feeling of fear, anxiety or insecurity that people suffer in certain social events for fear of being judged, rejected and even humiliated for not sharing the same thoughts or the same opinions or ideas. It is a feeling that It makes it difficult for these people to relate to each other with others. When it becomes a problem of this kind, it requires help.

Nevertheless, There is no need to be tragic because we have good news. Below you will find four tips that can make life easier for those who suffer from shyness to overcome it and build self-confidence.

Four basic tips to overcome shyness

  • Make a list of everything you can gain. Be aware of all the good things you can achieve in your life if you overcome shyness. You have to realize that many things are not done because of shame, but once you overcome this problem it will allow you to do everything you always intended to do, but never did because of shame. Observe the benefits you will get in the long term It will motivate you to make an effort and face this aspect. Every consequence follows every action and, in this case, every change is achieved with effort. To make it stick in your mind more, take a pen and paper in your hands and write down all those good things you are going to achieve.
  • Set a series of small challenges. Throughout our lives, all the great changes we achieve are a consequence of all the small changes we have faced in order to improve. Through these small challenges or changes, people better assimilate the capacity they have to achieve them. They have to be attainable, that is, one has the certainty that one will achieve it, from today, no matter how small and absurd it may be.
  • Do not commit adultery. It is of vital importance that Don't turn to substances like alcohol and drugs to overcome shynesssince the only thing you will achieve is a dependency/addiction to a habit that is not healthy for your health and well-being. You must be aware that there are better and healthier alternatives to deal with this attribute.
  • Stop thinking about the past. It is not advisable to remember the situations that caused us to feel shy in the past. The future will always be conditioned and limited by all those bad practices that caused negative feelings.

In any case, rest assured that Sometimes you win and sometimes you losebut you always learn and changing such a deep-rooted habit takes a lot of time, it is not possible to change it overnight. You have to be aware that it requires a lot of effort and desire to achieve it.

Ultimately, the key is to gradually apply these four tips on a daily basis. In this way, you will avoid developing fear and shame in the face of situations that you think are overwhelming (but usually aren't).

Also, you must not forget that valuing your own efforts and progress is essential to continue growing and moving forward in changes. Because of this, you will be able to achieve your final goals.

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