4 Stunning Setter Breeds (With Pictures & Info)

The setter dog breeds are among the long-haired English and Irish pointers. All four setter come from the British Spaniels off and are also with others European pointers related.

Her keen sense of smellher intelligence and speed close them talented companions for the hunt.

Do you know the reason why one of the setter breeds almost became extinct? Check out #3!

1. The English Setter

The English Setter is considered the oldest the Setter breeds. He is also the smallest Dog of the Quartet.

This race achieves a Size of up to 68 centimeters and weighs usually between 25 and 35 kilograms.

Typical for the English Setter is his special fur pattern. While there is always one white base color has, it can heavily dabbed in various colors be. This pattern is also called «Belton“ described.

«Blue Belton», «Orange Belton», «Lemon Belton» or «Liver Belton» are common.

As hunting dog the English Setter will too even today gladly used. Be attentive being and the pleasure in working together make him one reliable comrades.

But also as family dog is this Setter breede suitable, because he is considered gentle and obedient. his favorite people he is opposite loyal and devoted.

english setters are however extremely active and need generous exercise several times a dayto yourself balanced to feel.

One small apartment without access to the outside is therefore more likely not suitable for the bundle of energy.

Ideal would be a house with a large garden in which the dog romp can whenever he feels like it.

2. The Gordon Setter

this is the largest the four setter species. With up to 69 centimeters and a weight of up to 36 kilos the Gordon Setter is one massive appearance.

It comes from Scotland, where it was best known – and subsequently named – by the Duke of Gordon.

Although be Fur used to be tricolored was and next to black and brown also showed white, today he usually has the coat pattern «black and tan“. Here is the body blackthe Legs and the snout however tan.

Gordon Setter are today popular dogs with hunters and forestersbecause they are powerful, clever and obedience. Also for field work are they suitable?

However, this is a right distinct breed of dogwho tends to sometimes without command to poke around.

For sporty and active people are Gordon Setters great companion dogsbecause you can sign up for all kinds of activities inspire.

From the Ride a biken up to Hikeor agility training and fetch games – this dog would like to be physically as well mental stimulated become.

However, the Gordon Setter can sometimes relax and is within your own four walls calm, gentle and sociable animalhis Family faithfully at your side.

3. The Irish Red and White Setter

The Irish Red and White Setters is the older of the two Irish Setter breeds. She is also considered the rarest the setter species.

These dogs reach a size of up to 66 centimeters and a weight of 23 to 32 kilograms.

As the name suggests, this is an Irish Setter usually colored red and white. The medium-long feathered coat is in mostly whitethe ears are however, as well as large spots on the back or body, reddish.

This fur pattern was towards the end of the 19th century unfortunately relatively unpopular and the Red and White Setters have always been less common.

Since about 1920 they were then returned by lovers increased bred, to the to get race.

His specialty is the Hunting wild birds like chickens and ducks. The athletic physique and be obedient being not only make him a good companion for huntingbut also for others sports.

Lots of exercise and enough space to play are an absolute must for this dog.

active people or Familyswho like lots of time outdoors spend, find one in this dog suitable companion.

Lots of exercise and enough space to play are an absolute must for this dog.

4. The Irish Red Setter

the as most elegant the setter species accepted dog is that Irish Red Setters. It is similar to the older Irish Red and White Setter but, true to its name, has no white fur.

This breed of dog will up to 67 cm tall and can one weight of 32 kilograms to reach. your physique is sporty and slim.

The Irish Setter’s coat is medium length, light and has one maroon color. With his feathered lop ears and the attentive look he looks special graceful out of.

This dog is into that too Finding and chasing game birds specialized and still serves today as a enthusiastic companion for this kind of hunt.

Since he is a very active dog is, the Irish Red Setter needs a also active master. Daily trips in the Forest or one big park allow him all his release energy.

An experienced dog owner is best suited, because the Irish Setter can sometimes be tempted by its hunting instinct without being asked.

He gets a lot of exercisehe behaves at home calm and relaxed and can one enriching family dog be.