4 home remedies that really help

Whether it’s temporary or permanent, when your dog is incontinent, it’s not nice for either of you.

In addition to the usual medication and treatment from the vet, you can support your incontinent dog with home remedies.

You can find out what these are and what you have to consider in this article.

Incontinence in dogs – 4 home remedies that help

Which home remedies you can give your dog for incontinence depends entirely on what is causing the bladder weakness.

Here’s how cranberries can help your dog if he has a cystitis has. Ordinary nettle tea can also give your dog relief and faster recovery during this time.

Pumpkin seeds can be a good choice for persistent incontinence. These help strengthen the bladder.

But also a lot of drinking and frequent exercise can help your dog if he has to urinate uncontrollably.


They are considered a superfood. And as in humans can cranberrys also help your dog when he has a bladder infection.

The small red berries can support the healing process in urinary tract infections.

In small doses, they are safe for your dog. However, you should not give your dog too many berries.

Due to their high acidity, overdosing can lead to gastrointestinal problems.

nettle tea

If your dog is incontinent due to a bladder infection, you can help him with the home remedy nettle tea.

The tea has a diuretic effect, so that bacteria can be excreted more quickly.

you have a garden Then there will certainly be some stinging nettles. You can use the leaves of the plant to make tea for your dog.

Take two to three leaves and brew them with a quarter liter of water. You then have to let the tea cool down.

If your dog doesn’t like drinking the tea, you can give it over his food.

You can also give a decoction of dried nettles over your dog’s food as a treatment.

Likewise can dried nettle leaves crushed over the feed be scattered. Half a teaspoon to a whole teaspoon is enough depending on your dog’s size.

The stinging nettle supports the strengthening of the urinary tract and is a frequently used home remedy for dogs with incontinence.

pumpkin seeds

If your dog suffers from bladder weakness or has an enlarged prostate, you can give him pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed oil.

The ingredients support the bladder function and can strengthen it.

You should crush pumpkin seeds before feeding. You can feed your dog about 10 g of pumpkin seeds per kg of body weight per week.

If you prefer to give your dog pumpkin seed oil for incontinence, you can simply mix small amounts with its food.

Much water

Especially if your dog has a bladder infection and urinates a lot, you should give him plenty of liquid to drink.

If your dog stops drinking water, it can have serious consequences.

This allows bacteria to further invade the urinary tract and worsen your dog’s condition. In addition, organ failure can occur.

If your dog has bladder weakness and urinates frequently and uncontrollably, you should allow him frequent exercise.

Good to know

The Incontinence is a common accompaniment as dogs age and often very uncomfortable for the affected dogs themselves.

Home remedies don’t help – what else can I do if my dog ​​is incontinent?

There are numerous powders and remedies that can strengthen a dog’s bladder and urinary tract.

If you have incontinence, you can also feed your dog various herbal mixtures. Some are also suitable for preparing teas.

Drug treatment may also be necessary.

Especially if your dog is permanently incontinent, urinates in the apartment and looks battered, you should not rely on home remedies alone.

While home remedies can help heal, you should also have your dog checked by a vet if you have incontinence.

Because in addition to a bladder infection – which can be painful and uncomfortable for your dog – bladder weakness can indicate other diseases and require special treatment.

For example, incontinence caused by kidney stones may require surgery or a specific diet.

The therapy prescribed by the veterinarian should then be followed up in any case and the use of home remedies should be discussed with the veterinarian.

When should I go to the vet?

If your dog is persistently incontinent, has pain, fever or other symptoms, you should have your dog checked by a veterinarian.

This is how kidney stones, diabetes or liver problems can be diagnosed quickly.

Since the Incontinence is very uncomfortable for your dog may be or indicate a serious illness, a medical examination is useful.

What experiences have you had with your dog with various home remedies for incontinence? Let us know in the comments.