4 clues to know if a Taurus man likes you

Do you think it is really immutable? Yes? Well, you are completely wrong. If you want to see to what extent the bull of the zodiac has the ability to mutate for the person who attracts himpay close attention, because although the signs are not totally obvious to anyone, when a Taurus man you know well likes you, you can see for yourself how it could come to mold itself to your own way of being if it gets closer to your heart.

Test your intuition with the following keys that we offer you below.

When a Taurus man likes you: 4 clues to find out

Inquire and let yourself be touched by this armored earth sign.

1. Close to you (but not be noticed!)

Discreet and conservative as this sign can be, any small change in their behavior should be reason enough to get your attentionBecause that’s how you find out when a Taurus man likes you.

Put yourself in a situation for a moment: Visualize the distances at which this person usually stands from you when you are close. Now imagine him closing the gap between you, and that is the only sign you perceive!

A bit strange, right? Well, it’s a Taurus thing. You want to get closer, but at the same time you don’t notice it. He tries to hide, yes, but also to control himself. Because in reality everything that begins to happen around him scares him very much, and in order not to alter too much (or too quickly) the world around him, he does everything possible to hold back the inevitable advance of his feelings. As if he can really control them when he can’t!

So with that being said, you will know when a Taurus man likes you if you watch him make his clumsy and ill-concealed (but extremely charming) attempts at rapprochement.

2. Changes for you

Who says that it is an immovable person? If you want to see a man of this sign well motivated and willing to make changes in the way he acts, just wait until you see him in love. Because when a Taurus man likes you, you discover his most proactive version possible. But without going overboard, of course, since he does not stop being himself

Even so, you may find yourself with the initiative to propose an alternative plan to the usual one, that your agenda experiences a sudden change and includes new moments impregnated with other tastes. so yeah now deserves the recognition of those who try to do their best, and who want to earn your attention and complicity with it. Isn’t that a charm? Yes it is, and he also does it because he loves you.

3. A bit of a hoarder

Did you know that one of the main characteristic features of this sign is its protectionist desire? So that’s it. And what makes the difference is the fact that someone awakens emotions in him that are intense enough to transform that particularity into something more marked, an attitude that borders on the possessive.

That is the reason why, when a Taurus man likes you, you discover his more exaggerated side when it comes to looking after your well-being, and you may find him excessively controlling and territorial. You may notice angry looks towards someone who gets too close to youincreased proximity to your person when he is in your presence and someone else wants to capture your attention…

Quite innocent gestures but that in their body language denote uneasiness about what may happen or how much you may feel for someone else. Don’t you think that, if you like him too, it’s time to give him a clue so that he calms down a bit?

4. Open heart

They are the antithesis of gossip and so jealous of their own personal life that you will hardly see them expanding when it comes to telling you their intimate stories… except of course when a Taurus man likes you, in which case becomes an open book before your eyes, ceasing to be that reserved person that until now you thought he was.

Suddenly he begins to share with you some aspects of his life that you were not aware of, that you could not even intuit. Somehow you realize not only that he feels really comfortable with you, but also that he really likes you, you see that the best way to know and discover the essence of that incredible man is to have reached where you can caress your most sensitive fiber. So, enjoy a lot of the person you have before you, with an open heart.