Around a quarter of the approximately five million dogs living in Germany live in a household with at least one child under the age of 14.
Children are bitten twice as often as adults.
Most of the incidents happen at home with one’s own dog or a trusted dog during an everyday situation.
But how does it happen that even the most loving dog occasionally snaps at children and how can this be prevented?
You can find out all this and much more in this guide.
My dog snaps at a child – 4 possible causes
We’re talking about a dog snapping at a child here, not dangerous biting attacks. If a dog snaps at the child, this usually has nothing to do with aggressive behavior on the part of the dog.
The causes of snapping are usually quite banal, but still require our attention.
1. Dog body language
Children like to cuddle with the dog, want to play and romp around with it. But sometimes it is easy for the dog too much.
Dogs can’t express themselves verbally and say «that’s enough, I don’t like that».
Therefore, they express their displeasure with a short snap. This can too accompanied with a growl be.
Often the snapping is also a second warning sign, preceded by a growl or snarling. If this is ignored, a slight snap occurs as a second stage.
Good to know:
When snapping as a warning sign, the dog does not want to hurt the child. Injuries usually only occur when the affected limbs are pulled back in fright.
2. Dog snaps at child for food
Who likes to be disturbed while eating? It’s the same with dogs. If a child disturbs the dog while it is eating, it cannot only perceive this as a disturbance.
Rather, the dog might fear that that lining him through the child disputed especially if the child tries to take the dog’s bowl or something. Something like that can end in jealousy about food.
3. The order of precedence is not clear
Your dog should be aware that you are the pack leader. In most cases, your dog will also subordinate itself to your adult life partner.
However, children are often ranked by dogs as equal or even in rank below them.
In very harmless situations, this can lead to the dog snapping at the child.
However, this snapping has nothing to do with aggression or intention to injure.
Rather, the dog wants to discipline the child who, from his point of view, ranks below him.
4. The puppy snaps at the child
When puppies snap at children, it usually is playful nature. Puppies will snap at almost anything that moves.
However, such a snap with the small sharp teeth can be quite painful, especially since a puppy cannot yet control its biting power.
How do I react when the dog snaps at a child?
If the dog snaps at a child, they often hear: «It’s your own fault, leave him alone.» We think it’s wrong to punish the dog when it feels pressured and fights back.
Nevertheless, the dog should feel that he must not snap.
As pack leader you should therefore discipline your dog accordingly, for example by sending it to its place and ignoring it for a few minutes.
If your dog snaps without warning or even snaps in the child’s face, you should get to the bottom of the causes and take appropriate measures.
How should children behave towards my dog?
It is important that the child recognizes early on that a dog no toy is. Explain to your child to leave the dog alone when it is sleeping and eating.
When romping and playing, it is important to recognize warning signs such as growling or the like and then withdraw.
Can I get my dog used to children?
Most dog breeds are friendly and patient with children. However, some breeds are true loners and will only accept one attachment figure.
If there are already children, the choice of your dog should be made more as a family dog.
If the dog is already there and there are signs of offspring, getting used to it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge for family dogs.
But even less child-friendly breeds can be used to children.
A lot of tact and patience is required here and you should get used to it as early as possible.
How do I get my dog to stop snapping?
Your dog should recognize early on that he must not snap. This is all the more important when the dog snaps without warning and for no apparent reason.
However, there are no general instructions for use. It is important that you show your dog that he has done something wrong.
For example, you can verbally admonish him, send him to his place and ignore him for a certain time. In the event of a recurrence, this of course requires consistency and patience.
What should I do if, despite all my efforts, my dog doesn’t like children?
This is of course a difficult question. You can consult a dog trainer, or repeatedly sensitize your child to handling the dog.
Taking a chance would certainly be the wrong approach. The last option is to find a new and suitable owner for your dog.
When a dog snaps at a child, it is usually overwhelmed or wants to be left alone.
It is now up to you to sensitize the dog and child to one another, which in most cases works well.
What are your experiences with dogs and children? We look forward to your comment.