4 Causes & Symptoms (guide)

Your dog often stretches – the dog’s prayer position means nothing good!

We’re not talking about the occasional stretch in the morning or before you’re greeted at the door on your return home. We’re talking about your dog himself suddenly stretches more often than usualspeak into the prayer posture goes.

This can be a serious sign of abdominal pain.

You pay attention, we clarify!

In a nutshell: Why is my dog ​​suddenly stretching so much?

If your dog suddenly stretches a lot, it can be a sign of severe pain. So you should stay alert and take your dog to the vet if something seems strange to you.

If your dog occasionally stretches after getting up or when you come home and he greets you, this can also be a sign that he is happy about you and feels comfortable.

If the increased stretching occurs suddenly and is accompanied by other symptoms, please go to the vet immediately!

My dog ​​often stretches: does he have stomach pains?

Yes, the prayer position can even indicate very serious ailments in dogs!

If it is clear that the dog is going into the prayer position because of severe pain, it is one veterinary emergency!

Please make yourself aware of the seriousness of the situation!

You can find many articles on the internet where the prayer position also described as prompting play, normal canine behavior, or ordinary stretching and stretching. Yes, that is also absolutely correct!

How can you tell the difference between a harmless and a life-threatening dog prayer posture?

  1. The alarming prayer position is usually accompanied by clear symptoms of severe malaise, such as profuse salivation, apathy, foaming at the mouth, refusal to eat, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
  1. It mostly comes from the situation that you can tell if it’s a game call or an emergency!

What is the prayer position?

Your dog often stretches – The prayer position in dogs can have various causes.

You can recognize them by the fact that your dog stretches its front legs forward and its buttocks in the air. The rod lies close to the body. Your dog is trying to relieve his stomach and is visibly uncomfortable.

Signs such as foaming at the mouth, vomiting, fever, or diarrhea shock symptoms can indicate a life-threatening condition!

Reasons for the prayer position in the dog

The Reasons for the prayer position in the dog can be severe pain in the abdominal region. It indicates, among other things, the following emergency scenarios:


Your dog can die from these causes. If you determine that one of these emergency scenarios is involved, a race against time begins.

Do not hesitate and take your dog to the vet immediately. You can contact them on the way and tell them what’s going on.

Why does my dog ​​often stretch while lying down?

Is your dog stretching its hind legs backwards?

He stretches while lying down and rolls back and forth with relish?

This is an expression of the fact that he feels completely at ease.

Usually you don’t need to worry here.

Dog stretches when walking – what does that mean?

If your dog stretches when you walk your dog shortly after you have started walking, it may simply be that he is mobilizing his joints and muscles. Just like we sometimes do when we get up or warm up before exercising.

Does your dog stretch unusually often when you go for a walk?

Notice how he behaves otherwise. Does he appear apathetic or in pain? Be sure to look again at the accompanying symptoms of pain in dogs!

Also, be aware that it’s always better to contact a vet if you’re unsure. Every veterinarian is also happy if he is not only contacted when the situation is already dramatic!

Good to know:

Dogs are masters at hiding pain. If clear symptoms already indicate that your dog is not doing well, you should definitely take the situation seriously!

Why is my dog ​​doing a cat hump?

Also the cat hump can with the dog similar to the prayer position – on Pains indicate.

These can be quite harmless stomach painbut also by one Poisoning, inflammation in the abdomen or one gastrointestinal infection act.

If your dog only shows a cat’s hump once and otherwise doesn’t appear to be in pain, that’s no reason to panic! However, if he stays in this position more often, off to the vet!

Conclusion: Why does my dog ​​often stretch?

The Prayer position and the Katzenbuckel can occur in dogs Signs of severe pain be.

The emphasis here is on CAN because it’s not always an emergency when your dog stretches!

It is therefore important to deal intensively with the Signs of pain in dogs deal with it so you know when to react. It is also helpful to write a few for the individual poses Pictures or educational videos about dog behavior to watch.

This way you can quickly distinguish between stretching and stretching exercises, a prompt to play or a veterinary emergency!

Do you have questions about the prayer position in dogs or other uncertainties about recognizing pain in dogs?

Then leave us a comment and we’ll see how we can help you!