Your dog has black dots in the genital area? There can be several causes behind this – not all of them equally dramatic and dangerous.
What is it about the black dots on the vagina and/or testicles of bitches and dogs? You will find out in the following guide.
Dog has black dots in the genital area – causes
Black dots or spots don’t just dive on the genitals or as spots on the abdomen of our dogs. That means it here always at least one cause there are – but usually several.
Let’s start with a cause that does not yet belong to the threatening diseases. The Hyperpigmentation can occur in any dog. And that’s on the stomach as well as on the testicles or, in the case of bitches, on the vagina.
reason is that melanin or its concentration. What causes freckles in us in an «overdose» causes black spots in some dogs.
Already knew?
Hyperpigmentation can have two causes. For one, she can innate be. This is the case with pugs, among other things. They have liver spots.
Hyperpigmentation can also do this result of a healing inflammation be. Since this can of course also affect the genital area, black dots are then a «side effect».
age spots
Also closely related to melanin are the so-called age spots. These also result from a concentration of melanin.
They occur – as the name already suggests – especially in older dogs. Because these stains had a few years to heal in certain skin areas to collect.
Parasites do not always «only» infest the intestinal tract of dogs. The skin can also for example mites be infested. These then cause, among other things, black dots, also in the genital area.
Also can a tumor the cause for the black dots in the genital area of dogs.
It can be both skin canceras well as around testicular cancer act. It is important to keep a close eye on the discolouration.
The following applies here: If changes in shape and size occur, a veterinarian should take a tissue sample and perform a biopsy.
Are black dots in the genital area a concern?
As always, the answer to such questions is yes. As you saw in the causes, there is a black dot not automatically a bad thing.
It is important that you watch your dog closely. Is there increased licking? Does your dog suffer from loss of appetite and weight loss? Is he lethargic?
Such symptoms can first indications of a more serious illness be. If you suspect that the black dots are the reason, you should consult the veterinarian.
Do the black dots go away on their own?
Here, too, the cause is crucial. If it is over-pigmentation, the black dots will no longer disappear.
It’s kind of like our freckles. Since these points are usually not dangerous, you should leave them alone.
It is different with one tumor disease out of. Here the black dots do not disappear – on the contrary, they become more or bigger or both.
In this case, a veterinarian must look and examine. Ideally, it is still early enough to fight the tumor effectively.
What can I do about the black dots?
You can do something about the black dots Strictly speaking only in the case of a mite infestation do. It also depends on which mite species caught your dog.
Is it about the dermodex mitecan apple cider vinegar diluted with water help – just like with the grass mite.
If the black dots have caused inflammation, aloe vera ointment, among other things, can provide initial relief.
Good to know:
A mite infestation always means: The Environment and the dog must be cleaned become. Because parasites have a habit of not just disappearing again.
The eggs have a very long survival time. In order to make sure that they don’t cause trouble even months later, the following is required: thorough cleaning and disinfection.
When should I go to the vet?
The trip to the vet is always necessary when – as in this case – the points are cause for concern.
If these have increased, there is probably a serious cause behind them. Unfortunately, you are powerless here – no matter what home remedies you use.
Black spots on a dog’s genitals – or on the skin in general – can have a variety of triggers. What exactly these are, you can maybe find out for yourself in some cases.
In general, however, it always makes sense to consult a veterinarian. Even if the cause is harmless. Because it is better to ask once too often than once too little.
Have you already observed black dots on the genital area of your fur nose? If yes, what was your experience? What was the reason? We’d love for you to share your answers with us in the comments.