Have you just scratched your furry nose and found that your dog’s ears are hot?
You may be wondering now if your dog is sick and has a fever.
In this article you will find out what warm ears can mean for dogs and what you can do now.
Dog has hot ears – what does that mean?
If a dog has hot ears, this can indicate a fever.
As a rule, however, the body temperature of dogs is higher than that of humans. So it’s not uncommon for your dog to have warm ears.
Due to its dense fur, you don’t notice temperature fluctuations in your dog very well.
Your dog’s coat protects him from wind and weather just as well as his temperature.
It doesn’t have to mean your dog is sick, either. Maybe you just have cooler hands.
At unusually warm or hot ears However, thinking about an illness is not far-fetched.
4 causes of warm ears in dogs
As in people go at Dogs have many illnesses accompanied by fever. Warm ears can be a sign of this. But other triggers are also possible for this symptom.
Various viruses and bacteria can also infect dogs with colds or flu-like infections.
These often go with you runny nose and fever along. Sneezing is also a symptom.
They are small and your dog can quickly bring one home from a walk: the ticks.
Lyme disease is a common disease transmitted by ticks.
A fever is usually a symptom of this infection, which is manifested by hot ears in the dog.
Also muscle and joint pain arise from this infection.
A poisoned dog may respond to the poisoning with a fever. Poisoning in dogs can be caused by a variety of agents.
From accidentally recorded Slug pellets or fertilizers, to rat poison bait, to foods such as chocolate, raisins or grapes there are many triggers.
If your dog has red, warm ears, they may have a rash. A rash may also cause the ears to swell a little thicker.
In this case, your dog will probably scratch his ears a lot too.
A rash in the ears can be triggered allergies be on feed, mold spores or pollen.
But also mites can cause an itchy, red rash.
Rarely is the cause in one tumor in the ears or a fungus in the ear. Older dogs are more affected than younger ones.
Recognizing fever in dogs correctly
Fever is often not so clearly recognizable in dogs. But there are a few symptoms you can use to tell if your dog has a fever.
Is your dog behaving differently than usual? Is he listless and listless? Then the reason for this may be fever.
Because just like in humans, many diseases in dogs are accompanied by fever.
One Body temperature from 37.5 to 39 degrees is normal in dogs.
If the temperature rises to 40 degrees, there is a fever, from 41 degrees it can even be life-threatening for your dog.
If you observe the following symptoms in your dog, it is very likely that he has a fever:
- Warm or hot ears
- hot belly
- hot paws
- dry nose
- High temperature
- loss of appetite
Other signs can also chills, increased heart rate and diarrhea be.
Also dry, solid feces, the so-called fecesindicates an illness.
You can find out more about detecting fever in dogs here.
Good to know:
If you want to determine if your dog has a fever, the most accurate instrument is a thermometer.
To do this, you should take the measurement on your dog’s anus, because this is where the values are most accurate.
You can use petroleum jelly for a safe and painless insertion.
In order not to spread possible bacteria further, the thermometer should be cleaned before and after the measurement cleaned and disinfected become.
You can do it in one too latex glove put. Make sure, however, that there is contact between the intestinal skin and the tip of the thermometer.
When should I see a vet?
If your dog has warm ears, it doesn’t always have to be a case for the vet. A dog’s high temperature can also go down on its own.
But you should definitely take your dog Observe and regularly measure fever if illness is suspected. If there is no improvement, you should have your dog examined by the veterinarian.
The same applies if your Dog often fever or you notice an itchy rash on him.
Only with a medical examination of your dog can the exact causes of his symptoms to be found out. In the worst case, it can even be a tumor fever in your dog.
Their weakened immune system makes them even more susceptible to viruses and bacteria. Therefore, you should definitely monitor the symptoms and have them examined by a veterinarian.
Warm ears in dogs are not always an indication of a disease, as dogs have a higher body temperature than humans.
However, if your dog’s ears feel hot and your dog is flabby or severely itchy, it may be due to an illness or a rash.
If in doubt, you can call the veterinarian and have your dog examined.
Have you ever noticed that your dog’s ears are very warm? What was the cause? Feel free to tell us in the comments.