Black scabs on your dog’s teats can appear all of a sudden. Most of the time, however, they have an innocuous explanation.
Because often it is just dirt that has mixed with sebum or breast milk and settled. But they can also indicate a parasite infestation.
This article will explain how such black teat scabs develop and help you and your dog to avoid them.
In a nutshell: Black crust on the teats
Black crusts on the teats often only indicate contamination of the pores, which can become inflamed and form pus pimples. In pregnant bitches, such scabs are also often dirty lactations, as their mammary glands are irritated and under pressure before birth.
However, a flea infestation can also be the cause, which must be treated urgently. Just as often, however, there are birthmarks or age spots, which are a completely normal occurrence on the teats.
To ensure that your dog is optimally cared for, you can contact Dr. Arrange an online consultation with a vet 365 days a year. So your dog is always in good hands.
4 causes of black crust on teats
The most common causes of black scabs you find on your dog’s teats are dirt compounds that you can easily wash off.
1. Increased sebum production
Naturally produced by the body, sebum keeps the skin hydrated, supple and protected.
As with humans, excessive sebum production can occur. And as with humans, this is especially the case during puberty, when hormones are new and still need to be regulated.
An increased testosterone or progesterone level in dogs causes a sebum problem. Testosterone is the male sex hormone, while progesterone mainly regulates heat and pregnancy.
This excess sebum then mixes with dirt, bacteria, sweat or dead skin cells and clogs the pores around the teat. Because these are larger than other pores, they are the most commonly affected.
These clogged pores are called blackheads. Sometimes they also become inflamed and form small pimples.
While pimples are easy to spot, blackheads are easily distinguished from other causes because they usually affect multiple pores.
You will then see many small black dots around the teat, which will not cause your dog any pain and will at least partially disappear with regular bathing.
2. Gestation
Breast tissue and teats become progressively swollen in pregnant bitches. The mammary glands prepare for milk production and, occasionally, secrete milk at the same time, this is called lactation.
These milk residues also quickly become soiled by lying down or romping around and form a black crust around the teats. The bitches also lick their teats frequently because the swelling is also painful.
By the way: lactation also occurs in false pregnancies.
3. Parasites
The first thing you can tell about a flea infestation is that your dog is constantly scratching and shaking itself and small, black spots are moving on its skin.
These parasites feed on blood. Your excretions stick to the skin as small, black dots that look similar to coffee grounds. It is washable but persistent.
You can also mistake ticks for black crusts of dirt at first glance if they are not saturated. They like to sit in the teat area because there is no fur around them.
4. Pigment spots
A completely harmless explanation are pigment spots in the form of liver spots, birthmarks and age spots. These are congenital or, in the case of age spots, developed over time. They cannot be treated, but they do not require treatment either.
When to go to the vet
A pregnant or pseudopregnant bitch should be under veterinary control anyway. Here you can have the teats checked on your next visit if you find dirty milk residues there.
If a parasite infestation has caused the black crust on the teats, your veterinary practice should definitely examine your dog for secondary diseases. For example, ticks can transmit Lyme disease!
If you have any questions or uncertainties, you can always contact Dr. turn Sam. There you will be put in touch with a vet immediately and 365 days a year, who will be by your side in all matters relating to your four-legged friend.
What to do about black crust on teats
If the black crust on the teats is simply a matter of dirt, a little warm water and a soft cloth are sufficient to remove it.
Dog skin is sensitive and not made for human soap. So if the black crust is too stubborn, you can soak it with a wet rag or use some dog soap to tackle it.
If your dog tends to get scabs on their teats frequently, you should bathe or wash them regularly to prevent skin infections.
You can carefully wash off blackheads and pimples. However, you should never express them or even treat them with human cleansers or masks or alcohol solutions!
In case of pregnancy
Be careful and gentle when handling pregnant bitches. Their teats are usually painfully tense when the mammary glands are already leaking. They can become very irritable and sometimes aggressive if you try to touch the areas, especially during the first pregnancy.
They also often lick their teats clean themselves during the day. Observe this and only intervene if cleaning is not enough to remove the black crusts.
In case of parasite infestation
First the parasites must be removed. You can only remove ticks with tick tweezers or directly at the vet. Flea spray or flea collars and regular baths help against fleas.
Then clean the skin with warm water. Since the parasites suck blood, many small wounds appear on the skin. It is therefore particularly important here not to use irritating soap that could burn the wounds.
Finding black scabs on your dog’s teats is nothing to worry about. Pregnant bitches and pubescent young dogs often form dirt sticking with sebum or mother’s milk, which you can simply wash off.
However, if you are infested with fleas or ticks, you should take action to ensure that they do not transmit any diseases.
For this you can contact Dr. turn Sam. You can reach a veterinarian there at any time, who will help you with tips and information.