If your dog suddenly seems tired and sad, it can be due to psychological or physical causes. In this article you will find out what it can be and what you can do about it.
You suffer with your otherwise lively dog when he is tired and sad and shows little interest in everyday life and withdraws more and more.
But only if you can assess the causes can you ensure that your dog gets better quickly.
In a nutshell: How do you recognize a sad dog?
You can often recognize a sad dog by the fact that it refuses its food or even treats. His need for rest also increases and he withdraws. Sad dogs appear listless and listless and no longer want to pursue activities that they used to enjoy.
Sadness in dogs can also express itself through aggressiveness, destructiveness or unlearning how to be housebroken.
It is important to watch your dog now. If your dog seems listless and listless over a longer period of time and shows other symptoms in addition to being tired, this will help you to identify the causes.
Please be there for your dog and try to cheer him up because he needs you now.
Are you unsure what causes your dog to appear so tired and sad? Arrange an online consultation with a real veterinarian and get comprehensive advice. Without waiting and without stress.
Causes why your dog is sad and tired
1. Depression
If your dog is listless, constantly tired and sleeps a lot, if it is irritable, refuses food and avoids contact with you, it may be suffering from depression.
Reasons can be changes in your dog’s environment. Another pet, a baby that’s all centered around, the loss of a family member, or even if you’re depressed yourself.
Your dog’s mood will improve if you spend more time with him and challenge him and keep him busy.
2. Dementia
Almost a third of all dogs are affected by dementia from the age of 11. Based on the life expectancy of dogs, about 68 percent suffer from this disease.
If your dog now seems listless and tired, the triggers here are more likely to be fear and confusion. Due to the declining memory, everything seems strange and unfamiliar, but due to the advanced age, your dog no longer has the energy to explore everything anew.
You can recognize dementia by the following symptoms:
- Sudden night activity
- disorientation
- Anxious impression
- incontinence
- «Weird behaviour
- Ignores usual commands
As in humans, canine dementia is incurable. However, increased attention and intelligence toys to boost mental performance slow the process and counteract the anxiety that accompanies it.
3. Pain
Your dog’s sudden tiredness may also be due to pain that is underlying an injury. In older dogs, the pain may also be due to arthritis.
About 20 percent of dogs suffer from this joint disease. The most common symptoms here are:
- Your dog goes “wrong”
- licking the joints
- He avoids stairs
- Swollen joints
- Groaning when lying down
4. Viral infections
Viruses are among the most common causes of disease and death in dogs. The tiredness in the course of the disease can be attributed to the fact that your dog’s immune system is fighting the virus and thus requires a lot of energy.
The most common and well-known viruses include:
- distemper
- Hepatitis Contagiosa Canis
- influenza
- parovirus
- leptospirosis
- rabies
These viruses mostly affect unvaccinated puppies or street dogs. In general, you should regularly check your dog’s vaccination status and consult a veterinarian for preventive measures.
Other symptoms of a viral disease are:
- a runny nose
- refusal to eat
- depressive behavior
- Tremble
- Sudden convulsions
Your dog will cure itself of a cold. Just give him some rest. If you are unsure whether it is a viral disease, consult your veterinarian.
5. Poisoning
Poisoning can occur if your dog has ingested a poisoned bait outside, but also if you have fed it yourself foods that dogs cannot tolerate, such as chocolate, onions or nuts.
In addition to unusual tiredness, there are other symptoms:
- Sudden vomiting
- Your dog is shaking
- He is restless and runs around at night
- breathing problems
- loss of appetite
If you suspect poisoning, you should consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Other causes
- allergies
- hypothyroidism
- anemia
- diabetes
- liver diseases
- endoparasites
- autoimmune diseases
- Bacterial Infections
- heart diseases
- castration
There is little you can do about these causes yourself, the symptoms are varied. You should consider veterinary evaluation and treatment.
When to the vet?
- For all symptoms that indicate poisoning
- If you cannot rule out a viral disease
- The tiredness and lethargy last longer without you noticing any other symptoms.
Can you help your dog yourself, or is it better to go to the vet? dr Sam and his team will be happy to advise you and without waiting in an online consultation.
Can Dogs Feel Sadness?
Dogs can empathize with human emotions. If you feel bad yourself, it affects your dog too.
Dogs perceive our states of mind both visually and through their sense of smell.
Signs of an Unhappy Dog
- Vocalizations such as whimpering that do not occur otherwise
- Moping behavior during activities your dog otherwise enjoys.
- He refuses food or treats.
- His eyes blink more and appear smaller than usual.
How long does a dog mourn a change of ownership?
Like us, our fur noses are very individual beings and therefore mourn for different lengths of time after a change of ownership. It is therefore difficult to determine a general rule of thumb here. But you can count on the mourning phase being over after about half a year.
How can I cheer up my dog?
Whether the tiredness and sadness is due to a physical or mental illness, in either case, paying attention to your dog is a good remedy.
Show your dog that you are there for him and try to keep him busy. You should challenge him, but not overwhelm him.
Explainer video
If your dog seems tired and sad, this usually has serious causes. Your task now is to cheer him up and give him your attention.
Whether this is enough to make your dog a happy four-legged friend again, or whether veterinary treatment is necessary, Dr. Sam in a video consultation. This is how you can take the first steps.