Guard dogs have the task of guarding a specific area, such as the property. If there is a potential danger, they then sound the alarm by barking.
This is a natural instinct that occurs more strongly in territorial breeds. Other typical characteristics of guard dogs are:
- Very confident
- Deep barking
- Protective instinct
- Very attentive [1]
Protection dog breeds, on the other hand, are usually trained specifically. They not only sound the alarm when there is danger, but can also actively attack and specifically protect people if necessary.
Below you will learn about the 39 best guard dogs in the world.
>> Our top recommendations
#1 Doberman Pinscher
The Doberman is a muscular four-legged friend from Germany. When fully grown, the dog reaches a shoulder height of 63 to 72 cm. Despite its size, it is suitable for the apartment.
The beautiful animal is one of the best guard dogs. Dobermans are naturally territorial and protective. They are also considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world.
They are trusting towards the family. They react sensitively to criticism and should therefore not be raised too strictly. Unfortunately, they rarely tolerate strange dogs. [2]
Fun fact: Even though these dogs seem tough and intimidating, they have a weakness. And cold. Since they have hardly any body fat, they freeze particularly quickly in winter.
#2 Rottweiler
The Rottweiler is an alert, strong four-legged friend. The large dog comes from Germany and is ideal as a shepherd, rescue, police or guard dog. [3]
Your four-legged friend should get used to children early on. The animals' strong herd instinct should not be underestimated. They often react aggressively towards strange dogs.
The coat of this dog breed is almost waterproof. Water almost never reaches the animals' skin, which is why many owners keep their Rottweilers outside permanently.
Fun fact: If you are looking for a breed to sleep in your room, this dog is probably not your first choice. Rotties are known for snoring very frequently and loudly.
#3 Giant Schnauzer
The Giant Schnauzer is the largest of three species of Schnauzer. Representatives of this independent breed reach a weight of 47 kg and can reach a height of around 70 cm.
The four-legged friends are popular as police dog breeds or guard dogs. They were originally bred to herd animals and protect the farm. [4]
Although they are very territorial, they are friendly and loyal to their family. They need lots of activity and exercise. They are often suspicious of strangers.
Fun fact: This breed of dog comes with two different coat colors – black and “pepper salt”. And yes, that is actually the official name of this gray coat color.
#4 Dogo Argentino
The Dogo Argentino is an athletic, large four-legged friend with a courageous nature. The 45 kg dog is relatively difficult to train. It belongs in experienced hands.
The former fighting dog was later also used as a hunting or guard dog. If you want to keep this strong animal as a house dog, you should socialize it early on. [5]
The four-legged friend usually doesn't get along well with other pets. He has difficulty staying alone and does not cope well with low temperatures.
Fun fact: These dogs are so strong and durable that in “hunting mode” they can easily drag an adult behind them without noticing.
#5 Bullmastiff
The Bullmastiff is a reliable dog from England. The four-legged friend is an excellent watchdog with a natural, territorial instinct. He is very strong and brave. [6]
The four-legged friend makes it into the top 50 most popular dogs worldwide. He is also often used for film roles, such as in the boxing film “Rocky” with Sylvester Stallone.
The dogs get along well with children. Nevertheless, they belong in experienced hands. Beginners should stay away from this strong breed.
Fun fact: These dogs often have physiologically related bloating compared to other breeds. So be prepared for a few embarrassing moments and nose-wrinkling in public.
#6 Chow Chow
The Chow Chow is a large four-legged animal with a lion-like appearance. The Chinese dog breed is suitable as a working or sled dog. [7]
They also cut a good figure as guard dogs. However, without the right training, the animals often become extremely protective and aggressive. You need good leadership.
Also be prepared for increased insurance costs, as many consider the Chow Chow to be particularly dangerous. Many specimens are also quite stubborn.
Fun fact: Did you know that these four-legged friends are quite old? The breed was bred in China more than 4,000 years ago.
#7 Do Khyi
The Do Khyi is a Tibetan four-legged friend with an alert, persistent nature. The big dog is reminiscent of a bear. The guard dog is also known as the Tibetan Mastiff. [8]
This impressive four-legged friend is not well suited for beginners. It can weigh up to 130 kg and can also take on dangerous predators. He loves the cold and has a lot of fur.
He is trusting towards the family. He likes children and other dogs. However, he is rather reserved towards strangers.
Fun fact: While other dogs usually fully grow within a few months, the Do Khyi's growth can take several years.
#8 Dogue de Bordeaux
The Dogue de Bordeaux is a French dog breed with an even-tempered, loyal nature. The large dog sheds moderately and has a strong hunting instinct. [9]
In the past, the four-legged friend was used either as a guard dog or to pull heavy carts. He still makes it into the top 70 most popular dogs worldwide.
At 5 to 8 years old, it is one of the dog breeds with the shortest life expectancy. Beginners should stay away from the stubborn dog. He hardly tolerates strangers.
Fun fact: Since many people have difficulty pronouncing this dog name, the abbreviation DDB has become established internationally.
#9 American Staffordshire Terrier
The Staffy is a confident type of terrier from the USA. The four-legged friend sheds little, is easy to train and barks a lot. He needs a lot of exercise and training. [10]
In general, your four-legged friend should be in experienced hands. Then he can develop into a great family or guard dog. It is rather unsuitable for keeping in apartments.
The muscular dog appears intimidating to strangers. In addition, keeping such a “fighting dog” is subject to special regulations.
Fun fact: There are many stories about the American Staffordshire. So he is dangerous and a fighting machine. Until the 20th century, it was even (incorrectly) claimed that he could lock his teeth in one position.
#10 Rhodesian Ridgeback
The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a four-legged friend from South Africa. He was primarily used as a hunting dog. The strong dog makes an excellent guard dog. [11]
It gets its name from the strip of fur on its back, which grows in the opposite direction to the rest of the fur. The beautiful dog is one of the most popular breeds worldwide.
However, you should not underestimate the size, strength and stubbornness of this animal. It would be better not to end up in the hands of beginners. Early socialization is mandatory for this dog.
Fun fact: Did you know that these dogs instinctively dig a hole when it gets too warm outside? They like to cool off in the cold dirt.
#11 Neapolitan Mastiff
The Neapolitan Mastiff is a fearless, large four-legged friend from Italy. He was bred as a hunting and guard dog. It is usually available with black or dark gray fur. [12]
The large dog reaches a shoulder height of 75 cm and a weight of 70 kg. Its life expectancy is around 7 years, in exceptional cases it can reach 10.
The four-legged friends do not get along well with heat or cold. They are known for their deep bark and love to patrol a property.
Fun fact: These dogs are large Bactrian camels. They are particularly clumsy and clumsy and tend to lose their balance.
#12 Kuvasz
The Kuvasz is a white dog from Hungary. Originally it was kept as a hunting and war dog. He also served as a good watchdog for the royal guards. [13]
The large German Shepherd is about the size of a greyhound, but weighs up to 62 kg. During the Second World War, the beautiful animals almost died out completely.
The independent four-legged friends are not well suited for beginners. They need confident owners and patient, consistent training.
Fun fact: Originally this breed was called “Kawasz”. The Turkish term translates as “armed guard of the nobles”. However, due to a spelling error in the writings of the time, “Kuvasz” prevailed.
#13 German Shepherd
The German Shepherd is a popular four-legged friend with an obedient, curious nature. The great working dog is sought after as a police, military or rescue dog. [14]
His obedience makes him versatile. He is considered one of the best guard dogs & companions. The breed is only 120 years old and is the second most popular dog.
The large four-legged friend lives up to 13 years. It has a strong bite and comes in 11 official colors. The robust dog gets along well with the cold. He doesn't like loneliness.
Fun fact: Have you ever seen a strange, puppy-like German Shepherd? Then he probably suffered pituitary dwarfism.
#14 Fila Brasileiro
The Fila Brasileiro is a heavy working, hunting and guard dog. Another name is also “Brazilian Mastiff”. The dog has a very good nose and a lot of hunting instinct. [15]
They are known for grabbing their prey by biting and not letting go. In many countries, four-legged friends are banned because they are considered dangerous.
Without socialization, they are often aggressive towards strangers. The strong animals are not suitable for city life. They usually only bond with a single handler.
Fun fact: This breed was previously used to hunt escaped slaves. To detain them, the animals mostly bit the fugitives' buttocks.
#15 Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog
The Great Pyrenees is a hairy dog with a strong hunting instinct. The four-legged friend comes from France and is statistically one of the most unpopular dog breeds. [16]
He barks a lot, needs a lot of exercise and is self-confident and strong-willed. This makes him very suitable as a guard dog. He has a strong protective instinct.
Unfortunately, he is not very trainable. He is very stubborn and barky. In addition, it is completely unsuitable for keeping in an apartment. This dog is…